hlperng 發表於 2013-9-23 09:27:31


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2016-5-27 17:44 編輯

CNS 12680:2004 等同 ISO 9001:2000

3.8.5 Validation
Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence (3.8.1), that the requirements (3.1.2) for a specific intended uas or application have been fulfilled.
3.8.5 確認(validation)
3.10.3 metrological confirmation
Set of operations required to ensure that measuring equipment (3.10.4) conforms to the requirements (3.1.2) for its intended use.  
3.10.3 度量衡確認(metrological confirmation)


Requirements 到底是「要求」、「要求事項」還是「規定」?
[*]CNS 12681:2016,品質管理系統 - 要求事項 (Quality management systems - Requirements)
[*]CNS 14490-1:2015,機器人與機器人裝置 - 工業機器人之安全要求 - 第 1 部:機器人 (Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 1: Robots) (ISO 10128-1:2011 IDT)
[*]CNS 14490-2:2015,機器人與機器人裝置 - 工業機器人之安全要求 - 第 2 部:機器人系統與整合 (Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 2: Robot systems and integration) (ISO 10128-2:2011 IDT)
[*]CNS 15689:2013,包裝 - 危險觸覺警示 - 規定 (Packaging - Tactile warnings of danger - Requirements) (ISO 11683:1997 IDT)
[*]CNS 22000:2006,食品安全管理系統 - 食品供應鏈中組織之要求 (Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organization in the food chain)

3.9.1 Audit
Third-party audits are conducted by external independent organizations.  Such organizations provide certification or registration of conformity with requirements such as those of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001:1996.
3.9.1 稽核(audit)
4. 第三者稽核是由外部獨立稽核服務組織所執行,這種組織提供驗證或符合要求登錄資格,如:CNS 12681與CNS 14001:1996。

說明:原文並沒有指定第三方稽核必須由獨立稽核服務組織執行,只要是獨立組織(具有競爭力)即符合條件,CNS增加稽核服務縮限了執行第三方稽核工作者的資格,有違標準公平原則。另外,引用之國家標準文件若有相對之國際標準,則加註「(等同ISO XXX)」字樣,並且不增加沒有必要的條件,符合ISO國際標準規定,與國際接軌。

第三者稽核是由外部獨立組織所執行,這些組織提供諸如CNS 12681(等同ISO 9001)與CNS 14001:1996(等同ISO 14001:1996)等需求之符合性驗證或登錄。

hlperng 發表於 2013-10-24 10:31:37

有趣的翻譯:量測系統分析中的 R&R

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2017-4-28 20:42 編輯

量測系統分析 (measurement system analysis, MSA) 是計量品質控制不可忽視的議題,討論量測系統誤差來源時,量具所量測得的資料的 Repeatability 與 Reproducibility 是探索的重點,問題是英文兩個字,中文一大推:
Repeatability = Equipment Variation (EV) = 設備變異 = 設備標準誤差
Reproducibility = Appraiser Variation (AV) = 人員變異 = 人員標準誤差
GRR2 = EV2 + AV2
TV2 = GRR2 + PV2 = EV2 + AV2 + PV2

重複性 再現性 南台科大方正中副教授
重複性 再現性 清大蘇朝墩教授,2009
重複性 再現性 香港生產力促進局劉焯明,2009
重複度 重現度 成功大學劉漢容、陳文魁教授
再現性 再生性 逢甲大學王瑞杰碩士論文(吳建瑋教授指導),2007
再現性 再生性 朝陽科大林宏達副教授,2005
重覆性 再現性 BVG,2009
重覆性 再現性 台灣光電長度校正實驗室
重覆性 重現性 中科院賀全慶,
重覆性 再現性 德商漢德(TUV-NORD)
重複性 再現性 成功大學統計系江巧玉碩士論文,2002
再現性 再生性 桂楚華、林清河,華泰書局
重複性 再現性 中原大學工工系謝新言碩士論文,2009
重複性 重現性 雲科大工管系于正道,2009
重複性 重現性 成功大學呂執中教授,2008

[*]謝慶洲,影像尺寸測量儀之 MSA 及現場應用研究, 台北科技大學碩士論文,2005。

hlperng 發表於 2013-12-2 11:51:05

有趣的翻譯:KISS = Keep it simple ...

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2016-1-18 09:49 編輯


KISS: Keep it simple and stupid.(設計)

KISS: Keep it simple and short.(演講)   


傻子,要簡單為要!(KISS: Keep it simple, stupid)

hlperng 發表於 2013-12-24 17:42:18


本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2014-8-30 11:09 編輯

Warren Bennis (2009): On Becoming a Leader.

英:p. xxxvii,中:p. 26
Since the transformation is a process, On Becoming a Leader is a story of that process rather than a series of discrete lessons. As a modern story, it has no beginning, middle, or end.  But it has many recurring themes - the need for education, both formal and informal; the need to unlearn so that you can learn (or, as Satchel Paige is supposed to have said, "It's not what you don't know that hurts you, it's what you know that just ain't so"); the need for reflecting on learning, so that the meaning of the lesson is understood; the need to take risks, make mistakes; and the need for competence, for mastery of the task at hand.
既然轉變是一種過程,那麼本書所講述的,與其說是一系列分段的文章,不如說是一個轉變的故事。這個故事沒有開始、發展或結局。但它有許多一再出現的主題 - 對學習(education?)的需求;忘記過去所學(to unlearn)以便重新學習的需求(或者就像黑人棒球投手派吉說的:「會傷害你的,不是你不知道的,而是那種你以為你知道、但事實卻並非如此的東西。」;為了理解課題背後的教訓而學會反省的需求(for refelcting on learning?);冒險(to take risks)、犯錯的需求;還有精通手邊任務的需求。
⇒ 需求包括:學習、正式與非正式兩種(for education, both formal and informal)、忘記過去所學(to unlearn)、學會反省或反思學習(for reflecting on learning)、冒險(to take risks)、專長或職能(for competence)。

[*]competence沒有翻譯。task一般譯為工作,中譯為任務。原文 "the need for competence, for mastery of the taks at hand"  翻譯為「精通手邊任務的需求」,不符合原文「因為⋯⋯所以」的文句架構,似乎應該譯為「為了專長,而精通手邊工作的需求」。

英:p. 165、中:p. 248
In recent years, non-profit organizations have seen their costs soar, their sources of revenue dry up, their endowments shrink, and their missions challenged.
non-profit organizations: 不賺錢的公司 ⇒ 非營利組織

英 p. 168、中 p. 249
On another front, imaging technology is unlocking the secrets of the brain, revealing the specific areas of the brain that engage in economic decision-making and other forms of human behavior.
Imaging technology: 充滿想像空間的科技 ⇒ 影像處理技術

英:p. 171、中:p. 252
As evidenced by the brisk sales of hybrid cars and the cachet of bamboo flooring and other green products, more and more Americans are concerned about the environment and the health of the planet.
「油電混合車」 (hybrid cars) 是「高耗油的休旅車」?而且「熱愛竹編(或竹地板)與其他綠色產品」(cathet of bamboo flooring and other green products)也沒有翻譯出來,同時美國人開始關心的是地球的環境與健康,而不是關心地球和能源產品。整句話的意思,似乎應該是:油電混合車的暢銷和對竹編與其他綠色產品的熱情,這些證據顯示越來越多的美國人關心地球的環境與健康。
英:p. 182、中:p. 267
Third, corrective action rather than censure must follow.
corrective action:正確的行動 ⇒ 改正行動。

hlperng 發表於 2013-12-26 09:27:43

有趣的翻譯:企業、經營、營運、商業都是 business

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2017-12-10 09:51 編輯

business excellence: 卓越經營、經營卓越
business excellence framework: 企業卓越架構
Harward Business Review: 哈佛商業評論
Business Plan: 營運計畫書


hlperng 發表於 2014-2-7 12:39:16

有趣的翻譯:Competence = 職能、適任性、智能

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2016-1-18 09:48 編輯

Competence, Competent = 職能、專長、適任性、勝任性  ⇒ 執行職務的能力,包括所需的知識與技巧。
同一字 CNS 翻譯為智能或能力,最近新的譯法是適任性。智能是不錯,但與人力資源管理中,就職人員執行職務的必要條件,沒有相關聯性。從員工的角度,competence 是指必備執行職務所需的職能、專長(知識 + 技巧),或是具備能夠勝任職務的勝任力,都比 CNS 翻譯為智能或能力,更具體且達意。擬議的CNS 12680 與 CNS 12681 譯為適任性,或許是較貼切的名詞。問題是如何統一和讓大家都普遍能夠接受並推廣使用。
從人力資源管理的觀點,執行職務所需的 competence 包括:
Competence = knowledge + skills + ability (KSA) ⇒ 職能 = 知識 + 技巧 + 能力

[*]What job-specific knowledge area(s) must be well understood by someone in this job?
[*]What manual, mental or interpersonal skills must an employee have to do this job well?
[*]What natural abilities or talents mus someone possess to be effective in this job?
然後將結果定義在職務說明書(Job description)、訓練矩陣(training matrix)或訓練計畫、或其他文件中。

2014 年 12 月標檢局擬議的 ISO 9000:2015 與 ISO 9001:2015 的中譯本,則將 competence 統一譯為「適任性」,不像 ISO 9000:2005 的中譯 CNS 12680:2006 將 competence 譯為智能、ISO 9001:2006 版的中譯本則將 competence 譯為能力。
「3.6.10 適任性,應用知識與技巧達成預期結果之能力。備考:展現的適任性有時稱為資格。」
(3.6.10 Competence, ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results.  NOTE 1 to entry: Demonstrated competence is sometimes referred to as qualification.)  ISO 9001:2015的中譯本,3.10 適任性,應用知識與技巧達成預期結果之能力。備考:展現的適任性有時稱為資格。(3.10 competence, ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results.)

若將 Competence 稱為「能力」,CNS 17025 將 Proficiency testing 翻譯為「能力試驗」,competence 與 proficiency,兩個能力如何區別。另外 Ability 稱為什麼「能力」?從標準的觀點,ability、competence、proficency 三者應該是有所區別的名詞。

ISO 9000:2005
3.1.6 Competence。
Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skiils.
NOTE.  The concept of competence is defined in a generic sense in this International Standard.  The word usage can be more specific in other ISO documents.
3.9.14 Competence
<audit> demomstrated personal attributes and demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills.CNS 12680:2006
3.1.6 智能
3.9.14 智能
ISO 9001:2008
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
The organization shall
a) determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting conformity to product requirements,
b) were applicable, provide training or take other actions to achieve the necessary competence,
...CNS 12681:2009
6.2.2 能力、訓練與認知
a) 決定執行影響產品要求符合性工作的人員所需之能力,
b) 適當時,提供訓練或採行其他措施以達成所需之能力,
ISO 9004:2009
6.3.1 Management of people
- actively seek opportunities to enhance their compentence and experience,

6.3.2 Competence of people
CNS 12684:2010
6.3.1 人員之管理
- 主動地尋找增強其智能與經驗之機會,
6.3.2 人員智能
- 組織可能需在短期與長期依據其使命、願景、策略及目標,
ISO 13485:2003
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
CNS 15013:2006
6.2.2 能力、認知及訓練
ISO 14001:2004
3.1 Auditor
person with the competence to conduct an audit

4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness

A.4.2 Competence, training and awareness
CNS 14001:2005
3.1 稽核員

4.4.2 能力、訓練及認知

A.4.2 能力、訓練及認知
ISO 17025:2005
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

CNS 17025:2007
ISO 27001:2005
5.2.2 Training, awareness and competenceCNS 27001:2007
5.2.2 訓練、認知及能力

hlperng 發表於 2014-3-19 15:18:50

有趣的翻譯:safety vs. security

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2017-12-10 09:53 編輯

Safety 與 Security,英文不同,但一般中文都稱為安全或安全性,若是分開時,並不會有太大的爭議,但是從整合管理的概念,這兩個名詞常會相提並論,這時難免會有困擾,勢必要進一步加以區別。

Safety = 安全、安全性,一般性的情況或事件,例如:意外事故有關的職業安全(occupational safety)、系統安全(system safety)。
Security = 保全、保全性,與保護及防止被害有關,常用於有意識的情況或事件,例如:資訊安全(information security)。另外在經濟領域的金控、證券也稱為 security。

[*]In is common to distinquish between safety and security, where security related to intentional situations and events (terrorist attacks, burglary, etc) in contract to safety, which covers the accident type of situations and events.  It is, however, no problem techically to extend the safety/safe definitions above to also include intentional situations and events, as undesirable events and consequences is also neutral in this respect.  Nevertheless, it maybe attractive in some cases to highlight when security issures are addressed in contrast to accicental events, and then use the term "security".  (Terje Aven, University of Stavanger):
[*]Security implies a stable, relatively predictable environment in which an individual or group may pursue its ends without disruption or harm and without fear of disturbance or injury.  (Fischer, 2004)
[*]Security can be defined as those methods that promote a safe and protected environment so people can pursue their daily activities. (Philip, 2006)

Safety,安全性,著眼於物品、狀況或事件對外的影響,包括人員、財物及環境。類比環境保護 (environmental protection) 的概念。安全性 (safety) 與 功能性 (functionality) 有關,屬於無意圖的失誤。

Security,保全性,著眼於外來因素對物品、狀況或事件的影響。例如:外來威脅、或本身脆弱性,可能造成資料洩漏、暴露被更改等資安事故,類比環境工程(環境試驗)的概念,所關心的是外來的溫度、濕度、振動、衝擊、電磁干擾、輻射線等對物品的影響或破壞。保全性 (security) 與秘密 (secrets) 有關,為有意圖的失誤。

hlperng 發表於 2014-4-29 12:00:12

有趣的翻譯:Context = 環境、前後環節、背景或內涵

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2014-5-27 10:57 編輯

國際標準化組織(ISO)推動管理系統標準(management system standard, MSS),為了凸顯組織及組織領導在品質管理或營運品質管理的角色,提出統一管理系統標準的十大章節架構的要求。其中第4章的標題為:Context of Organization。目前,導讀2015新版國際品質管理者,大多將context翻譯為「環境」。但是環境相對於英文的environment,容易和環境管理標準 ISO 14000 發生混淆。另外2009年,ISO發行風險管理國際標準系列時,等同此一國際標準的國家標準 CNS 31000,率先已經將Context翻譯為「前後環節」,而前後環節是否就是 Context 國家標準用語,特別是在標準領域,值得大家討論之。


[*]Google翻譯:context = 背景、景況、前後關係
[*]習慣上context 代表文件內容的前後文、文章的題裁。
[*]CNS 31000:2012:風險管理 - 原則與指導綱要(等同ISO 31000:2009),context = 前後環節
[*]將context 翻譯為內涵,一般文件包括格式(form)、內容(content)、內涵(context)。

CNS 31000:2012:風險管理 - 原則與指導綱要(等同ISO 31000:2009)
2.9 establishing the context
defining the external and internal parameters to be taken into account when managing risk, and setting the scope and risk criteria (2.22) for the risk management policy (2.4).
2.9 建立前後環節

2.10 external context
external environment in which the organization seeks to achieve its objectives.
NOTE. External context can include:
- the cultural, social, political, legal, regulatory, finanical, technological, economic, natural and competitive environment, whether internatonal, national, regional or local;
- key drivers and trends having impact on the objectives of the organization; and
- relationship with, and perceptions and values of external stakeholders (2.13).  
2.10 外部前後環節
- 無論是國際、國家、區域或地方的文化、社會、政治、法令、規章、財務、技術、經濟、天然及競爭環境;
- 對組織的目標具有衝擊影響之主要推動者與趨勢,及
- 與外部利害相關者(2.13)的關係,以及外部利害相關者之感知與價值。

2.11 internal context
internal environment in which the organization seeks to achieve its objectives
NOTE. Internal context can include:
- governance, organizational structure, roles and accountabilities;
- policies, objectives, and the strategies that are in place to achieve them;
- the capabilities, understood in terms of resources and knowledge (e.g., capital, time, people, processes, systems and technologies);
- information systems, information flows and decision-making processes (both formal and informal);
- relationships with, and perceptions and values of, internal stakeholders;
- the organization's culture;
- standards, guidelines and models adopted by the organization; and
- form and extent of contractural relationships.  
2.11 內部前後環節
- 治理、組織的結構、角色及當責;
- 政策、目標,以及能使其達成的策略;
- 從資源與知識(例:資金、時間、人員、過程、系統及技術)為觀點所具有的能力。
- 資訊系統、資訊流及決策過程(正式與非正式兩者)。
- 與內部利害相關者的關係,以及內部利害相關者之感知與價值。
- 組織的文化。
- 組織所採用的標準、指導綱要及模式,及
- 合約關係之形式與範圍。

ISO 9001:2015 CD
4. Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
The organization shall determine external and internal issues, that are relevant to its purpose and its strategic direction and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its quality management system.
The organization shall update such determinations when needed.  
When determining relevant external and internal issues, the organization shall consider those arising from:
a) changes and trends which can have an impact on the objectives of the organization;
b) relationships with, and perceptions and values of relevant interested parites;
c) governances issues, strategic priorities, internal policies and commitments; and
d) resource availability and priorities and technological change.

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
The organization shall determine:
a) the interested parties that are relevant to the quality management system, and
b) the requirements of these interested parties.
The organization shall update such determinations in order to understand and anticipate needs or expectations affecting customer requirements and customer satisfaction.  
The organization shall consider the following interested parties:
a) dierect customers;
b) end users;
c) suppliers, distributors, retailers or other involved in the supply chain;
d) regulators; and
e) any other relevant interested parites.

NOTE.  ....

4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management system
The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the quality management system to establish its scope.  
When determining this scope, the organization shall consider
a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1, and
b) the requirements referred to in 4.2.

hlperng 發表於 2015-2-18 08:55:36

有趣的翻譯 - 各自解讀吧!

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2015-5-8 09:08 編輯

能力成熟度模型整合 (CMMI) 是卡內基美隆大學軟體工程學院 (CMU/SEI) 接受美國國防部經費補助,研究發展完成的產品研發過程改進模型,在 1990 年代是以軟體 (SW) 為主,稱為能力成熟度模型 (CMM),後來擴展系統工程、整合產品與過程發展、軟體採購等方面,2000 年以後各種應用模型整合成為 CMMI,分為系統研發 (DEV)、服務 (SVC) 及採購 (ACQ) 三種應用。

CMMI 總共歸納出重要的過程領域 (process areas),研發應用 (CMMI-DEV) 有 22 項,採購應用 (CMMI-ACQ) 有 22 項,服務應用 (CMMI-SVC) 有 24 項。其中有 16 項為共通性,稱為核心過程領域。這三份文件內容豐富,CMMI-DEV v1.3 英文版有 482 頁、中文版 559 頁,CMMI-SVC v1.3 英文版 520 頁,CMMI-ACQ v1.3 英文版 438 頁。

資策會接受經濟部補助,經 CMU/SEI 授權將之翻譯為中文繁體版,有些翻譯只能各自解讀。例如,在研發應用的 22 項過程領域中,量測與分析 (measurement and anslysis, MA) 為支援類,成熟度第 2 級的過程領域之一,其中「目的」與「簡介」原文為:

The purpose of Measurement and Analysis (MA) is to develop and sustain a measurement capability used to support management information needs.

Introductory Notes:
The Measurement and Analysis process area involves the following:

[*]Specifying the objectives of measurement and analysis such that they are aligned with identified information needs and project, organization or business objectives.
[*]Specifying the measures, analysis techniques, and mechanism for data collection, data storage, reporting, and feedback.
[*]Implementing the collection, storage, analysis, and reporting of the data.
[*]Providing objective results that can be used in making informed decisions, and taking appropriate corrective actions.

度量與分析 (Measurement and Analysis, MA) 的目的在發展與維持度量能力,以支援管理之資訊需求。


其中第二項資策會的翻譯與原文落差較大,measures 在原文應該是指(採取的)措施,是名詞,而不是動詞。量測的動詞是 measure、名詞為 measurement。另外,techniques 與 technology 兩字,在層次上後者高於前者,可是國內多不加以細分。為區別起見,techniques 翻譯為技法,指的是執行面的手法,technology 翻譯為技術,亦有翻譯為科技,不過科技應該是 science and technology 的合稱。


Process ,中文可稱為過程或流程,流程的英文也可能是 flow,例如流程圖 flowchart。specify 翻譯為指定,亦可翻譯為規定,規定的結果為 specification,規範或規格,對照之下比較有感覺。Needs 翻譯為需求,也可翻譯為需要,因為 demand 為需求,需求鏈管理英文為 demand chain management,requirement 不少稱為需求,CNS 則翻譯為要求,needs、demand、requirement,需要、需求、要求,三者彼此之間是有差異的。report 若是指結果,可譯為報告,若是動作或動名詞 (reporting),可稱之為通報。correction 常翻譯為 改正或矯正,action 可翻譯為行動或措施,所以 corrective action,有改正行動、矯正行動或矯正措施三種常見的譯法。


The integration of measurement and analysis activities into the processes of the project supports the following:

[*]Objective planning and estimating
[*]Tracking actual performance against established plans and objectives.
[*]Identifying and resolving process-related issues.
[*]Providing a basis for incorporating measurement into additional processes in the future.


The staff required to implement a measurement capability may or may not be employed in a separate organization-wide program.  Measurement capability may be integrated into individual projects or other organizational functions (e.g., quality assurance).  

The intial focus for measurement activities is at the project level.  However, a measurement capability can prove useful for addressing organization- and enterprise-wide information needs.  To support this capability, measurement activities should support information needs at multiple levels, including the business, oragnizational unit, and project to minimize re-work as the organization matures.  

Project can store project specific data and results in a project specific repository, but when data are to be used widely or are to be analyzed in support of determining data trends or benchmarks, data may reside in the organization's measurement repository.  

Measurement and analysis of product components provided by suppliers is essential for effective management of the quality and costs of the project.  It is possible, with careful management of supplier agreements, to provide insight into data that support supplier performance analysis.   

Measurement objectives are derived from information needs that come from project, organizational, or business objectives.  In this process area, when the term "objectives" is used without the "measurement" qualifier, it indicates either project, organizational, or business objectives.  

hlperng 發表於 2015-5-29 15:38:47

有趣的翻譯:3P: Preservation、package 與 packing

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2016-1-18 09:50 編輯

早期美國軍品規範第五章交運準備 (Preparation for Delivery),主要討論與規定物品的 3P 議題:Preservation、Packaging、and Packing,以及包裝外殼與運送箱的標記 (marking) 要求。不過要特別注意的是,目前的美國軍規第五章標題,已簡化為包裝 (Packaging)。

Packaging: 包裝、封裝。
Packing: 打包。

最近研讀 ISO/TS 16949,大多將 Preservation 翻譯為保護,主要是物品內部狀態的維持,例如乾燥劑、充氮氣。
packaging 是指物品的固定安裝、組裝,package 則是packaging 的完成結果,大多利用物品的外殼容器完成,一般又稱為包裹。

至於 "Packing",主要是指運送時外加的固定方式,有些則先安放在運送箱 (container) 內,一般分為固裝與散裝。新竹光復路上有一家經銷線束綁帶產品的公司,招牌寫著「迫緊」(packing),就像機器組裝防漏的襯墊 (gasket)、墊圈,有時也通稱為迫緊 (packing),頗為寫實的翻譯。這樣的解釋,就像早年有人將電子產品常用的工藝瑕疵篩選方法 "Burn-In" 翻譯為「崩應」一樣,以音譯為考量。

運輸性 (transportability):The inherent capability of an item or system to be effectively and efficiently moved by required transportation assets and modes.  
運輸性工程 (transporability engineering):The science of designing into an item or system the inherent capability to be effectively and efficiently moved by required transporation assets and modes.  

MIL-STD-129, Marking for Shipment and Storage
MIL-STD-209, Interface Standard for Lifting and Tiedown Provisions
MIL-STD-810 TM514 運輸振動
MIL-STD-1366, Transportability CriteriaMIL-STD-1568, Materials and Processes for Corrosion Prevention and Control in Aerospace Weapons Systems
MIL-STD-2073-1, Standard Practice for Military PackagingMIL-STD-3010,Test Procedures for Packaging Materials and Containers (superseding FED-STD-101)
MIL-HDBK-808, Finish, Protection and Codes for Finishing Schemas for Ground and Groud Support Equipment
MIL-HDBK-1250, Corrosion Prevention and Deterioration Control in Electronic Components and Asemblies

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