睿地可靠度論壇(TW-REDI Forum)
2012-5-22 16:39:36
本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-12-24 06:27 編輯
書名:《可靠度與風險模型:設定可靠度要求》(Reliability and Risk Models: Setting Reliabilitly Requirements)
作者:Micheal Todinov
目錄 (Table of Contents)
Some Basic Reliability Concepts
Common Reliability and Risk Models and Their Applications
Reliability and Risk Models Based on Mixture Distributions
Building Reliability and Risk Models
Load-Strength (Demand - Capacity) Models
Solving Reliability and Risk Models Using a Monte Carlo Simulation
Analysis of the Properties of Inhomogeneous Media Using Monte Carlo Simulation
Mechanisms of Failure
Overstress Reliability Integral and Damage Factorisation Law
Determining the Probability of Failure for Components Containing Flaws
Uncertainty Associated with the Location of the Ductile-to-Brittle Transition Region of Multi-Run Welds
Modelling the Kinetics of Deterioration of Protective Coatings Due to Corrosion'
Minimising the Probability of Failure of Automative Suspension Springs by Delaying the Fatigue Failure Mode
Reliabilty Governed by the Relative Loacations of Random Variables in a Finite Domain
Reliabilty Dependent on the Existence of Minimum Critical Distances between the Locations of Random Variables in a Finite Interval
Reliability Analysis and Setting Reliability Requirements based on the Cost of Failure
歡迎光臨 睿地可靠度論壇(TW-REDI Forum) (http://m1.kdi.tw/)
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