睿地可靠度論壇(TW-REDI Forum)

標題: maintenance, maintainability = 維護、維護度 [打印本頁]

作者: hlperng    時間: 2019-5-26 08:38:41     標題: maintenance, maintainability = 維護、維護度

Maintenance: 維護、維修、保養、保全
Maintainability: 維護度、維修度、保養性、保全性





breakdown maintenance事後維護邱元錫 (2002)
corrective repair維修陳至安、陳雪吟
corrective maintenance改良保養邱元錫 (2002)
corrective maintenance (CM)事後維護江明輝 (2003)
failure knowledge故障知識邱元錫 (2002)
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)故障模式及效應分析邱元錫 (2002)
first pass yield產出良率許棟樑 (2006)
Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM)日本設備維護協會邱元錫 (2002)
machine availability機台可使用率許棟樑 (2006)
machine utlization機台利用率許棟樑 (2006)
maintenance free免保養邱元錫 (2002)
maintenance preventive保養預防邱元錫 (2002)
maintenance prevention (MP)保養預防江明輝 (2003)
predictive maintenance預知保養邱元錫 (2002)
predictive maintenance (PdM)預知保養江明輝 (2003)
preventive maintenance預防維護保養陳至安、陳雪吟
preventive maintenance預防維護陳至安、陳雪吟
preventive maintenance預防維護邱元錫 (2002)
preventive maintenance預防保養邱元錫 (2002)
preventive maintenance (PM)預防保養江明輝 (2003)
proactive maintenance (PaM)預修保養江明輝 (2003)
productive maintenance生產維護邱元錫 (2002)
reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)以可靠度為核心之維護邱元錫 (2002)
reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)唯信賴度維護江明輝 (2003)
total productive maintenance全面生產保養邱元錫 (2001)
total productive maintenance (TPM)全面生產管理江明輝 (2003)
total productive maintenance (TPM)全面生產保養藍天雄 (2007)
total productive maintenance (TPM)綜合生產保養萬榮富 (2005)
overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)設備綜合效率許棟樑 (2006)
preventive maintenance預防保養藍天雄 (2007)
preventive maintenance (PM)預防維護沈育樹 (2010)
productive maintenance生產保養藍天雄 (2007)
corrective maintenance改良保養藍天雄 (2007)
maintenance prevention保養預防藍天雄 (2007)
condition based maintenance預知保養藍天雄 (2007)
preventive maintenance (PM)預防保養許石城 (2008)
total productive mainteance (TPM)全面生產保養制度許石城 (2008)
preventive maintenance (PM)預防維護村瀨由堯 (2008)
total preventive maintenance (TPM)全面預防維護村瀨由堯 (2008)
on job training (OJT)在職訓練村瀨由堯 (2008)
total productive maintenance (TPM)全面生產維護沈育樹 (2010)
availability可用度沈育樹 (2010)
overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)設備總合效率指標沈育樹 (2010)
total quality management (TQM)全面品質管理沈育樹 (2010)
breakdown mainteance當機維護沈育樹 (2010)
repair修理沈育樹 (2010)
mainteance free machine免機器維護策略沈育樹 (2010)
reactive maintenance反應式維護沈育樹 (2010)
maintenance preventive維護預防沈育樹 (2010)
planned maintenance規劃保養沈育樹 (2010)
autonomous maintenance自主保養沈育樹 (2010)
preventive engineering預防工程沈育樹 (2010)
maintenance free免保養沈育樹 (2010)
total productive maintenance (TPM)全面生產保養申冀治 (2012)
breakdown maintenance (BM)事後保養申冀治 (2012)
preventive maintenance (PvM)預防保養申冀治 (2012)
productive maintenance (PM)生產保養申冀治 (2012)
corrective maintenance (CM)改良保養申冀治 (2012)
maintenance prevention (MP)保養預防申冀治 (2012)
predictive maintenance (PvM)預知保養申冀治 (2012)
breakdown maintenance事後保全吳志雄 (2002)
preventive maintenance預防保全吳志雄 (2002)
productive maintenance (PM)生產保全吳志雄 (2002)
maintenance preventive (MP)保全預防吳志雄 (2002)
corrective maintenance (CM)改良保全吳志雄 (2002)
total productive maintenance (TPM)全面生產保養吳志雄 (2002)
reliability engineering信賴性工程吳志雄 (2002)
maintainability engineering保全性工程吳志雄 (2002)
predictive maintenance (PvM)預知保養吳志雄 (2002)
total productive management system全面生產經營系統吳志雄 (2002)
total production management (TPM)全面生產管理林義輝 (2003)引用高福成 (1994)
breakdown maintenance (BM)事後保養林義輝 (2003)
preventive maintenance (PvM)預防保養林義輝 (2003)
productive maintenance (PM)生產保養林義輝 (2003)
corrective maintenance (CM)改良保養林義輝 (2003)
maintenance prevention (MP)保養預防林義輝 (2003)
reliability engineering信賴性工程林義輝 (2003)
maintainability engineering保養性工程林義輝 (2003)
total productive maintenance (TPM)全面生產保養林義輝 (2003)
predictive maintenance (PdM)預知保養林義輝 (2003)
total productive management (TPM)全面生產管理林義輝 (2003)
overall equipment effectiency (OEE)設備總合效率林義輝 (2003)
predictive maintenance (PdM)預知維護顧尚芳 (2004)
preventive maintenance (PM)預防維護顧尚芳 (2004)
corrective maintenance (CM)矯正維護顧尚芳 (2004)
breakdown maintenance (BM)事後維護顧尚芳 (2004)
surveillance test maintenance (STM)偵測試驗維護顧尚芳 (2004)
productive maintenance生產維護顧尚芳 (2004)
total productive maintenance全員生產維護顧尚芳 (2004)
predictive maintenance (PdM)預知維護顧尚芳 (2004)
proactive maintenance (PaM)預修維護顧尚芳 (2004)
corrective maintenance修正維護顧尚芳 (2004)
predictive preventive maintenance system預測性預防維護系統顧尚芳 (2004)
opportunity maintenance (OM)機會維護顧尚芳 (2004)


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