hlperng 發表於 2013-10-30 16:00
領導者 | 管理者 |
領導者創新。 The leader innovates. | 管理者執行。 The manager administers. |
領導者是原創品。 The leader is an original. | 管理者複製品。 The manager is a copy. |
領導者開疆闢土。 The leader develops. | 管理者維持現狀。 The manager maintains. |
領導者聚焦在人員。 The leader focuses on people. | 管理者聚焦在系統與結構。 The manager focus on system and strucure. |
領導者激發信任。 The leader inspires trust. | 管理者依賴控制。 The manager relies on control. |
領導者視野宏觀。 The leader has a long-range perspective. | 管理者眼光狹隘。 The manager has a short-range view. |
領導者問做什麼與為什麼。 The leader asks what and why. | 管理者問如何做與何時做。 The manager asks how and when. |
領導者盯著即將發生什麼。 The leader's eys is on the horizon. | 管理者盯著結果。 The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line. |
領導者原創。 The leader originates. | 管理者模仿。 The manager imitates. |
領導者挑戰現狀。 The leader challenge status quo. | 管理者接受現狀。 The manager accepts the status quo. |
領導者做自己的主人。 The leader is his or her own person. | 管理者是傳統的好士兵。 The manager is the classic good soldier. |
領導者做對的事。 The leader does the right things. | 管理者把事做好。 The manager does things right. |
領導者精通了內涵現況。 The leader masters the context. | 管理者屈服於內涵現況。 The manager srrenders to the context. |
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