睿地可靠度論壇(TW-REDI Forum)

標題: 7. 資料收集與失效分類 [打印本頁]

作者: hlperng    時間: 2013-10-29 14:08:30     標題: 7. 資料收集與失效分類

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-12-18 14:59 編輯

7 資料蒐集與失效分類 (Data Collection and Failure Classification)

Depending on the type of reliability testing being performed, either the relevant test item failures should be observed throughout the test or the number of relevant failures observed at the termination of the test.  The monitoring of test item performance and the definitions of failures and relevant test time should therefore be clearly stated in the detailed reliability test plan.  IEC 60300-3-2 and the following subclauses give rules and guidance on this.  
根據所執行的可靠度試驗種類不同,決定應該要全程觀察試驗物品相關失效或是在試驗結束時觀察相關失效數量,所以在可靠度試驗計畫中應該詳細說明所需監視的試驗物品性能、失效的定義與相關試驗時間,IEC 60300-3-2及以下各節細目對此一議題提供了一些規則與指引。

The data to be collected should include installation details, where these might affect the repaired item reliability.  The reports should also describe in detail the operating and environmental conditions during the test period.  

7.1 試驗物品性能監視 (Monitoring of Test Item Performance)

The following steps for monitoring test item performance should be clearly stated in the detailed reliability test plan.  

7.1.1 功能參數 (Functional Parameters)

The functional test item parameters to be monitored during the test should be specified.  Limits for such parameters are often a criterion of failure (see 7.2).  

It may be required that all or only some of the specified parameters need to be monitored additionally.  In some cases, it may be useful to monitor additional parameters since trends can indicate imminent failures.  

Where redundancy is employed within the item to be tested, the monitoring of functional parameters of the redundant sub-assemblies should be considered.  

7.1.2 量測方法 (Measuring Method)

The measuring method and the measuring accuracy required should be specified for each monitored parameter.  Procedures for estimating the total measuring error should be given, if relevant.  

7.1.3 監視間隔 (Monitoring Interval)
Key functional parameters should, if possible, be continuously monitored in order to record intermittent failures.  If monitoring cannot be made continuously, the time interval between monitoring and the points in the test cycle at which monitoring should be done, should be specified.  

The time interval between monitoring should be short enough to avoid substantially biasing the test results, preferably not longer than the test cycle time period.  

7.2 失效類型 (Failure Types)

For each parameter to be monitored, the limits for acceptance performance should be specified.  A failure should be considered to have occurred when any one of these limits including output data is exceeded permanently or intermittently under the specified environment.  All failures should be analysed in accordance with the following subclauses.  

Failure indications caused by erroneous measurement or failures in external measuring equipment are not considered test item failures.  

If more than one parameter has deviated beyond it specified limits, each of these deviations should be considered as one failure of the tested items if it has not been proved that they are due to the same failure cause (secondary failure), in which case they are combined and considered as one test item failure.  

If two or more independent failure causes are present, each of the resultant failures should be considered together as one test item failure.  

Each test item failure should be classified as a relevant or a non-relevant failure.  All test item failures that cannot be clearly classified as non-relevant failures according to 7.2.1 or to any additional rule given in the detailed reliability test plan should be considered as relevant test item failures.  This includes no fault found unless specified in the test plan.  

All relevant test item failures observed during or at the termination of the test should be taken into account in the statistical analysis and in decision-making.  

7.2.1 非相關失效類別 (Classes of Non-relevant Failures)

A test item failure may be regarded as a non-relevant failure only if the circumstances at the occurrence provide clear evidence for the failure to be classified according to one of the classes defined in to  below.  The evidence should be documented and included in the test report.  

Additional classes of non-relevant failure applicable in a particular case may be defined in the detailed reliability test plan.  
其他適用於特殊情況下的非相關性失效種類可以定義於詳細可靠度試驗計畫中。 二次失效 (Secondary Failures)

Secondary failures are considered non-relevant.  The corresponding primary failure is classified relevant or non-relevant according to the test specification.  Note that a secondary failure may occur after a time delay following the occurrence of the primary failure.  The duration of the time delay should be approved by the customer and the test agency.  
二次失效被視為是非相關的,其相對應主要失效則根據試驗規格歸類為相關或非相關。要注意的是二次失效可能會在主要失效發生後延遲一段時間才發生,延遲時間應該由顧客及試驗機構核可。 誤用失效 (Misuse Failures)
Misuse failures during testing may be due to unintentional test conditions, for example severity exceeding those specified for the item under test, rough handling by test or repair personnel, etc.  Misuse failures are considered to be non-relevant unless agreed upon by the parties.  

NOTE.  If equipment is required to be robust against operation and handling errors, this should be considered by the parties.  
註解:如果對於設備有要求抵抗操作與搬運的錯誤時,雙方應該將此列入考慮。 藉由設計改正消除的失效 (Failure Elimination by Design Correction)

A type of failure observed early in the test may result in a design change or other remedy, implemented after the test on all items in the population.  If such a corrective action is proven to be effective, the failures of this type may, upon agreement, be reclassified as non-relevant for the test already performed.  

NOTE.  The criteria for classifying a failure as non-relevant should be specified.  
註解 : 應該規定非相關性失效的分類準則。

7.2.2  失效之特殊類別 (Special Classes of Failure)

The detailed reliability test plan may define additional special classes of test item failures, based for example on the effect upon the performance of the tested item, on the location of the failure with respect to redundant units or non-essential units in the item, or on repair costs and time.  The types of failure defined in IEC 60050(191) may be useful for this purpose.  
詳細可靠度試驗計畫可能根據一些議題定義其他特殊的失效類別,例如根據對受試物品性能的影響、試件中與複聯單機或非主要單機有關的失效位置、或維護成本及維護時間等。在IEC 60050(191)中所定義的失效類型可能有助於此項目的。 需要立即決定拒收決策之失效 (Failure Demanding Immediate Reject Decision)

In particular cases for reliability compliance tests, it may be appropriate to define those test item failures the occurrence of which, regardless of number, should result in  an immediate reject decision that overrides the normal accept/reject criteria.  In this situation, the definition of such failures should be included in the detailed reliability test plan.  

For example, test item failures which are likely to result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for persons using, maintaining or relying on the tested item, or failures which are likely to cause extensive material damage should be included in this category.  
例如,試件失效可能導致使用、維護或信賴通過試驗的試件人員危險或不安全的狀況,或是失效可能引起大規模的材料損害都應該歸為此類別中。 重複性失效 (Recurrent Failures)

Recurring failures may imply a weakness in the design of the item ro indicae the use of items of inferior quality.  Recurring failures are an important indication of possible wear-out or other degradation that results in an increasing failure rate.  

When failure recur, special investigations should be initiated in order to establish the cause, and assumptions regarding the distribution of times to failure should be re-examined (see 8.4).  
當失效重複發生時,應該啟動特別調查以確定原因,並重新檢討有關失效發生時間分布的假設(參閱第8.4節)。 複聯物品的失效 (Failures in Redundant Items)

In a redundant item the faults causing system system failure may, upon agreement between customer and manufacturer, be classified separately from those causing only a reduced level of redundancy.  The type of failure and its consequences for the item should be considered in the test plan.  The test specification should state to what extent item failures and sub-assembly failures (reduced level or redundancy) are classified as relevant failures.  

NOTE.  The same type of failure may cause system failure or reduced redundancy depending on the condition of the item.  

7.3 失效分析 (Failure Analysis)

Each failure should be analysed at least to the extent that the failure can be classified clearly as relevant or non-relevant.  

The failure analysis should, as far as possible, identify the primary failure cause and also the other likely contributing factors.

The purpose of this more thorough failure analysis is to form a basis for corrective action, for example, design changes and changes in production processes.  

In order to facilitate failure analysis, all relevant information about each failure should be recorde in the test results or file, and all exchanged parts or modules retained for physical examination.  

The failure analysis should confirm that the failure modes observed in the test are relevant for the intended and expected use of the tested item in the field.  This is especially important in comparison tests and accelerated tests; for example step-stress tests.

Failure modes that are not relevant for the intended and expected use of the tested items in the field may, upon agreement, be reclassified as non-relevant for the test concerned.  Where no fault had been found during the failure analysis, this event should be counted as a relevant failure, unless agreed otherwise between the parties.  Software failures in a combined software / hardware item may require special failure analysis techniques.  

7.4 相關試驗時間 (Relevant Test Time)

The relevant test time is the time used in connection with the number of relevant test item failures to show compliance with reliability requirements or to calculate the value of the reliability performance characteristic.  

The relevant test time to be recorded during testing may be the individual relevant time for each test item or the relevant time accumulated by all test items as specified by the detailed reliability test plan.  Any reliability stress screening, maintenance time and down time of the test items should be excluded.  When monitoring at intervals, any failure should be considered to have occurred at the middle of the time interval concerned.  

The detailed reliability test plan may prescribe a minimum and/or a maximum relevant test time on each individual test item.  

For test items consisting of two or more separate sub-items, the relevant test time recorded for the test item should taken into account the relevant test time on any of its sub-assemblies.  

The relevant test time should be defined in the detailed reliability test plan.  If the test is based on test item operating time, an elapsed time indicator or cycle counter installed in every repairable item on test is recommended.  Clock readings should be recorded at each failure observation and maintenance action.  Where this is impractical, another time basis, such as vehicle usage time (for example flight time for airborne equipment) may be used with or without the application of an appropriate corrective factor.  

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