1. Infancy 嬰兒期 | Basic True vs. Basic Mistrust 基本的信任 vs. 基本的不信任 | = Hope or Withdrawal 期望 或 退卻 |
2. Early Childhood 幼兒期 | Autonomy vs. Shame, Doubt 自主 vs. 害羞懷疑 | = Will or Compulsion 願意 或 被迫 |
3. Play Age 玩耍期 | Initiative vs. Guilt 進取心 vs. 罪惡感 | = Purpose or Inhibition 決心 或 阻礙 |
4. School Age 學齡期 | Industry vs. Inferiority 勤奮 vs. 自卑 | = Competence or Inertia 勝任 或 遲鈍 |
5. Adolescence 青春期 | Identity vs. Identity Confusion 認同 vs. 認同混淆 | = Fidelity or Repudiation 忠誠 或 否定 |
6. Young Adulthood 青年期 | Initimacy vs. Isolation 親密 vs. 孤立 | = Love or Exclusivity 喜愛 或 排外 |
7. Adulthood 成人期 | Generativity vs. Stagnation 發展 vs. 停滯 | = Care or Rejectivity 關懷 或 拋棄 |
8. Old Age 老年期 | Integrity vs. Despair 完整 vs. 絕望 | = Wisdom or Disdain 智慧 或 鄙賤 |
領導者 | 管理者 |
領導者創新。 The leader innovates. | 管理者執行。 The manager administers. |
領導者是原創品。 The leader is an original. | 管理者複製品。 The manager is a copy. |
領導者開疆闢土。 The leader develops. | 管理者維持現狀。 The manager maintains. |
領導者聚焦在人員。 The leader focuses on people. | 管理者聚焦在系統與結構。 The manager focus on system and strucure. |
領導者激發信任。 The leader inspires trust. | 管理者依賴控制。 The manager relies on control. |
領導者視野宏觀。 The leader has a long-range perspective. | 管理者眼光狹隘。 The manager has a short-range view. |
領導者問做什麼與為什麼。 The leader asks what and why. | 管理者問如何做與何時做。 The manager asks how and when. |
領導者盯著即將發生什麼。 The leader's eys is on the horizon. | 管理者盯著結果。 The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line. |
領導者原創。 The leader originates. | 管理者模仿。 The manager imitates. |
領導者挑戰現狀。 The leader challenge status quo. | 管理者接受現狀。 The manager accepts the status quo. |
領導者做自己的主人。 The leader is his or her own person. | 管理者是傳統的好士兵。 The manager is the classic good soldier. |
領導者做對的事。 The leader does the right things. | 管理者把事做好。 The manager does things right. |
領導者精通了內涵現況。 The leader masters the context. | 管理者屈服於內涵現況。 The manager surrenders to the context. |
Education (教育) | Training (訓練) |
inductive (歸納) | deductive (演繹) |
tentative (嚐試的) | firm (確定的) |
dynamic (動態的) | static (靜態的) |
understanding (理解式) | memorizing (背誦式) |
ideas (概念) | facts (事實) |
broad (寬廣) | narrow (狹隘) |
deep (深入) | surface (表面) |
experiential (體驗的) | rote (死記的) |
active (積極的) | passive (消極的) |
questions (提問題) | answers (要答案) |
process (過程) | content (內容) |
strategy (策略) | tactics (戰術) |
alternatives (選擇) | goal (目標) |
exploration (探索) | prediction (預告) |
discovery (發現) | dogma (教條) |
active (主動的) | reactive (被動的) |
initiative (創新的) | direction (指示的) |
whole brain (全腦) | left brain (左腦) |
life (生活) | job (工作) |
long-term (長期) | short-term (短期) |
change (改變) | stability (穩定) |
content (內容) | form (形式) |
flexible (彈性的) | rigid (僵化的) |
risk (冒險的) | rules (守成的) |
synthesis (綜合推理) | thesis (單一論點) |
open (開放的) | closed (封閉的) |
imagination (想像力) | common sense (常識) |
The Sum: Leader (加總 = 領導者) | The sum: Manager (加總 = 管理者) |
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