每次有人提出概念、模型、標準、框架、...,都說是當下最好的提議。然而今天的新聞是明天的歷史,什麼及如何才迄立不搖、歷久彌新,只有靠時間的考驗及驗證。能力評鑑的概念,主要是基於持續過程改進 (continuous process improvement),建立制度或制度化 (institutionalization)。
ISO 9004:2009,組織永續成功之管理 - 品質管理方式
(Managing for sustained success of an organization - A quality management approach)
附錄 A :自我評鑑工具
組織績效與管理系統成熟度分為五級:等級 1 (level 1)、等級 2 (level 2)、等級 3 (level 3)、等級 4 (level 4)、等級 5 (level 5)。
圖 A.1 說明績效基準與成熟度的關聯性,第 1 級為基礎等級、第 5 級為最佳實務運作。
The completion of a self-assessment should result in an action plan for improvement and/or innovation that should be used as an input to top management for planning and review, based on the elements of this International Standard.
During this step, the organization should assign responsibilities for the chosen actions, estimate and provide the resources needed, and identify the expected benefits and any perceived risks associated with them.
表 A.1:自我評鑑關鍵要項與成熟度等級
管理重點為何?(What is the management focus?) (Managing)
領導方式為何?(What is the leadership approach?) (Managing)
如何決定何者重要?(How is it decided what is important?) (Strategy and Policy)
獲得結果所需為何?(What is needed to get results?) (Resources)
如何組織作業?(How are the activities organized?) (Processes)
如何達成結果?(How are results achieved?) (Monitoring and measurement)
如何監視結果?(How are results monitored?) (Monitoring and measurement)
如何決定改進優先次序?(How are improvement priorities decided?) (Improvement, Innovation and Learning)
如何產生學習?(How does learning occur?) (Improvement, Innovation and Learning)
表 A.2:第 4 章「管理組織永續成功」(Managing for the sustained success of an organization) 自我評鑑 4 細項
表 A.3:第 5 章「策略與政策」(Strategy and policy) 自我評鑑 3 細項
表 A.4:第 6 章「資源管理」(Resource management) 自我評鑑 7 細項
表 A.5:第 7 章「過程管理」(Process management) 自我評鑑 2 細項
表 A.6:第 8 章「監視、量測、分析、與審查」(Monitoring, measurement, analysis and review) 自我評鑑 4 細項
表 A.7:第 9 章「改善、創新、與學習」(Improvement, innovation and learning) 自我評鑑 3 細項
ISO 9004:2000 附錄 A:自我評鑑指導綱要
針對品質管理系統的每一章節,評估其相對成熟度,評分等級尺度從 1 (無正式系統),到 5(同一類中最好)。