標題: QKC20160812:黃祖猷 - ISO 7870-2 2013 Control chart Part 2 Shewhart control charts [打印本頁] 作者: hlperng 時間: 2016-8-12 10:08:26 標題: QKC20160812:黃祖猷 - ISO 7870-2 2013 Control chart Part 2 Shewhart control charts
本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2016-9-10 10:16 編輯
品質學會品質知識社群 (QKC) 研討會
專題:ISO 7870-2 2013 Control chart Part 2 Shewhart control charts
時間:2016 年 8 月12日(星期五) 19:00 - 21:00
地點:品質學會九樓教室(台北市羅斯福路 2 段 75 號)
7.1 Collect preliminary data
Gather preliminary rational subgroups (see 11.3) from a process under standard operating condtions. Compute the s (or R) or each subgroup. Compute the average (s-bar or R-bar) of the subgroup statistics. Typically a minimum of 25 preliminary subgroups are taken to ensure reliable estimates (s-bar or R-bar) of the process variability and consequently the control limits.
ISO 3534-x
ISO 22514-x
機會,dpmo = defect per million oppertunity
導入 6 σ 概念
3 σ 或 3.09 σ 英國高中統計學,抽樣檢定、變異數分析、回歸分析。
修正少時新增 CNS 備考:NOTE to entry by CNS:
NOTE or footnote
Schawart 1931 年,
虛無假設 = 無罪推定
特數特性,FMEA 8 - 10 評點項目,汽車業,其他電子,都用,
process parameters or product quality characteristics