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測試度參考標準與相關名詞定義 [複製鏈接]

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資料(data) ⇒ 量測(measurement) ⇒ 偵測(detection) ⇒ 測試(test) ⇒ 診斷(diagnosis) ⇒ 預後(prognosis)

失效(failure) ⇒ 改正維護 (Corrective Maintenance) ⇒ 失效管理 (Failure Management) ⇒ 預防維護 (Preventive Maintenance) ⇒ 以可靠度為中心維護 (Reliability-centered Maintenance, RCM) ⇒ 故障管理 (Fault Management)  ⇒ 健康管理 (Health Management)

新的積極正面觀念,從缺點(defect)、誤差(error)、錯誤與故障(fault)、失效(failiure)的檢測與改正(corrective)的品質管理,到預防(preventive)、預測(predictive)、調適(adaptive)與預後(prognosis)的健康管理(health management)。
測試度是故障管理(fault management, FM)的基礎,常見的技法例如誤差偵測與改正(error detection and correction, EDAC),故障偵測、隔離與復原(Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery, FDIR)等故障管理(fault management)。

過去測試度是當產品發生故障之後,在維護階段停機(down time)期間的狀態下,進行偵測、診斷、維修等作業,然後蒐集相關資料,經過計算得到的數值。目前則是傾向利用並加強內建測試設備(built-in-test equipment, BITE)及軟體的規劃與應用,在操作階段就能獲得相關資訊及採取必要的行動。當然的主要的訊息,還是來自研發階段,對於診斷及測試的規劃與實施。

  • IEC 60706-5:2007 (ed 2.0), Maintainability of equipment - Part 5: Testability and diagnostic testing
  • IEC 60706-5:1994 (ed 1.0), Guide on maintainability of equipment - Part 5: Diagnostic testing
  • MIL-HDBK-2165:1995, Testability Handbook for Systems and Equipment
  • MIL-STD-1309D:1992, Definitions of Terms for Testing, Measurement and Diagnostics
  • MIL-STD-2165:1985, Testability Program for Electronic Systems and Equipment
  • MIL-STD-1309C:1983, Definitions of Terms for Testing, Measurement and Diagnostics

  • The total permissible deviation of a measurement from a designated value.   (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

  • The deviation of a computed, observed, or measured quantity from the true, specified or theoretically correct value of the quantity.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)
  • The deviation of a computed, observed, or measured quantity from the true, specified or theoretically correct value of the quantity.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

  • Change in operating characteristics of an item resulting in degradation of useful performance.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)
  • The state of inability of an item to perform its required function.  Failure is the functional manifestation of a fault.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

  • (1) A physical condition that causes a device, a component, or an element to fail to perform in a required manner; for example, a short circuit or a broken wire, or an intermittent connection.  (2) A degradation in performance due to detuning, maladjustment, misalignment, or failure of parts.  (3) Immediate cause of failure (e.g., maladjustment, misalignment, defect, etc.)  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)
  • A physical condition that causes a device, component, or element to fail to perform in a required manner; for example, a short circuit or a broken wire.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

故障覆蓋率(fault coverage)
  • The ratio of failures detected (by a test program or test procedure) to failure population, expressed as a percentage.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

錯誤偵測(fault detection)
  • A process which discovers the existence of faults.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

錯誤容忍(fault tolerance)
  • The capacity of  a system or program to continue operation in the presence of specified faults.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

警告錯誤(false alarm)
  • Indication of failure which, after carrying out failure finding activities, is not found.  (IEC 60706-5:2007)
  • A fault indicated by BIT or other monitoring circuitry where no fault exists.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

警告錯誤率、誤警率(fault alarm rate)
  • The percentage of false alarms in the total number of failure indications.  (IEC 60706-5:2007)
  • The number of false alarms per unit time or number of false alarms per BIT alarms expressed as a percentage.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

  • The determination of the magnitude or amount of a quantity by comparison (direct or indirect) with the prototype standards of the system of units employed.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

  • A procedure or action taken to determine under real or simulated conditions the capabilities, limitations, characteristics, effectiveness, reliability or suitability of a material, device, system or method.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)
  • A procedure or action taken to determine under real or simulated conditions the capabilities, limitations, characteristics, effectiveness, reliability or suitability of a material, device, system or method.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

  • Design characteristic which determines the degree to which an item can be functionally tested under stated conditions.  (IEC 60706-5:2007)
  • A design characteristic which allows status (operable, inoperable, or degraded) of an item to be determined and the isolation of faults within the item to be performed in a timely manner.   (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

試驗完整性(test comprehension)
  • The ability of a test program to detect faults, expressed as percentage of total faults.   (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

試驗覆蓋率(test coverage)
  • Ratio of the number of faulty functions actually capable of diagnosis by the given test instruction to the total number of functions.  (IEC 60706-5:2007)
  • Ratio of defects actually capable of diagnosis by the tester to total defects in the fault spectrum.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

試驗有效性或試驗效果(test effectiveness)
  • Measures which include consideration of hardware design, BIT design, test equipment design, and TPS design.  Test effectiveness measures include, but are not limited to, fault coverage, fault isolation, fault detection time, fault isolation time, and false alarm rate.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

測試度量測(testability measurement)
  • A measurement of the ease and adequacy of testing derived as a result of demonstration or field operation.   (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

測試度預估(testability prediction)
  • A prediction of the ease and adequacy of testing developed through use of models or schematics (or both).  The prediction is based on parameters such as fault detection, fault isolation, and MTTR.   (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

  • The functions performed and the techniques used in determining and isolating faults.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)
  • The functions performed and the techniques used in determining and isolating the cause of malfunctions.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

診斷能力(diagnosis capability)
  • All capabilities associated with the detection, isolation, and reporting of faults, including testing, technical information, personnel, and training.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

診斷精度(diagnosis accuracy)
  • The percentage of failure correctly diagnosed, based on the possible failure population.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)
  • The percentage of failure correctly diagnosed, based on the possible failure population.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

診斷效果(diagnosis effectiveness)
  • A measure of the degree to which the diagnostic element(s) meets required fault detection and isolation levels.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

診斷效率(diagnosis efficiency)
  • A measure of ability of the diagnostic element(s) to effect required fault detection and isolation with a minimum of effort and expense.  Diagnostic efficiency may be expressed as a ratio of diagnostic effectiveness to cost.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)

診斷測試(diagnosis test)
  • (1) A test performed for the purpose of isolating a malfunction in the UUT or confirming that there actually is a malfunction.  (2) A test applied to a UUT with the purpose of isolating a fault to a lower level of assembly.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)
  • A test performed for the purpose of isolating a malfunction in the UUT or confirming that there actually is a malfunction.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

診斷測試(diagnostic testing)
  • Test procedure carried out in order to make a diagnosis.  (IEC 60706-5:2007)

  • (1) To examine or test a procedure, routine, or equipment for the purpose of detecting and correcting errors.  (2) To detect, locate, and remove mistakes from a routine or malfunctions from a computer.  (MIL-STD-1309D:1992)
  • The process of detecting and removing errors or faults from a computer program or from electronic equipment.  (MIL-STD-1309C:1983)

從可恃性(時間績效, performance over time)的觀點,一個物品存在的主要目的為功能(function),所有量測、測試、偵測、診斷、都是以功能為主,其他品質特性都是成就物品功能所需要的,為製造過程的品質控制項目。

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