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- 最後登錄
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- 5
- 帖子
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- 閱讀權限
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- 最後登錄
- 2024-12-11
- 在線時間
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產品允收抽樣系統 (零收一退)
- MIL-STD-1916:1996, DOD Preferred Methods for Acceptance of Product
- MIL-HDBK-1916:1999, Companion Document to MIL-STD-1916
- ISO/TR 8550:1994 (ed1.0), Guide for the selection of an acceptance sampling system, schemes or plan for inspection of discrete items in lots (replaced by ISO/TR 8550-1:2007, ISO/TR 8550-2:2007 and ISO 8550-3:2007)
- ISO/TR 8550-1:2007 (ed1.0), Guidance on the selection and usage of acceptance sampling systems for inspection of discrete items in lots - Part 1: Acceptance sampling
- ISO/TR 8550-2:2007 (ed1.0), Guidance on the selection and usage of acceptance sampling systems for inspection of discrete items in lots - Part 2: Sampling by attributes
- ISO/TR 8550-3:2007 (ed1.0), Guidance on the selection and usage of acceptance sampling systems for inspection of discrete items in lots - Part 3: Sampling by variables
- ISO 13448-1:2005 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures based on the allocation of priorities principle (APP) - Part 1: Guidelines for the APP approach (replaced by ISO 28598-1:2017)
- ISO 13448-2:2004 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures based on the allocation of priorities principle (APP) - Part 2: Coordinated single sampling plans for acceptance sampling by attributes (replaced by ISO 28598-2:2017)
- ISO 18414:2006 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures by attributes - Accept-zero sampling system based on credit principle for controlling outgoing quality (revised by ISO 28593:2017)
- ISO 21247:2005 (ed1.0), Combined accept-zero sampling systems and process control procedures for product acceptance (revised by ISO 28594:2017)
- ISO 28593:2017 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures by attributes - Accept-zero sampling system based on credit principle for controlling outgoing quality
- ISO 28594:2017 (ed1.0), Combined accept-zero sampling systems and process contorl procedures for product acceptance
- ISO 28598-1:2017 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures based on the allocation of priorities principle (APP) - Part 1: Guidelines for the APP approach
- ISO 28598-2:2017 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures based on the allocation of priorities principle (APP) - Part 2: Coordinated single sampling plans for acceptance sampling by attributes
- IEC 62058-11:2008 (ed1.0), Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection - Part 11: General acceptance inspection methods
計數抽樣檢驗(sampling inspection by attributes)
- MIL-HDBK-109, Statistical Procedures for Determining Validity of Supplier's Attributes Inspection
- MIL-STD-105, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes
- MIL-STD-1235, Single- and Multi-Level Continuous Sampling Procedures and Table for Inspection by Attributes
- ANSI/ASQ Z1.4:2003, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes
- ANSI/ASQ Z1.4:2008, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes
- ISO 2859, Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes
- ISO 2859-0_1995 (ed1.0), Part 00: Introduction to the ISO 2859 attribute sampling system (replaced by ISO 2859-10:2006)
- ISO 2859-1:1989 (ed1.0), Part 1: Sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection (revised by ISO 2859-1:1999)
- ISO 2859-1:1999 (ed2.0), Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
- ISO 2859-2:1985 (ed1.0), Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by limiting quality (LQ) for isolated lot inspection
- ISO/AWI 2859-2:2015 (ed2.0), Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by limiting quality (LQ) for isolated lot inspection
- ISO 2859-3:1991 (ed1.0), Part 3: Skip-lot sampling procedures (revised by ISO 2859-3:2005)
- ISO 2859-3:2005 (ed2.0), Part 3: Skip-lot sampling procedures
- ISO 2859-4:1999 (ed1.0), Part 4: Procedures for assessment of stated quality levels (revised by ISO 2859-4:2002)
- ISO 2859-4:2002 (ed2.0), Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels
- ISO/AWI 2859-4:2015 (ed3.0), Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels
- ISO 2859-5:2005 (ed1.0), Part 5: System of sequential sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspections
- ISO 2859-10:2006 (ed1.0), Part 10: Introduction to the ISO 2859 series of standards for sampling for inspection by attributes (replaced by ISO 28590:2017)
- ISO 13448-2:2004 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures based on the allocation of priorities principle (APP) - Part 2: Coordinated single sampling plans for acceptance sampling by attributes (replaced by ISO 28598-2:2017)
- ISO 28590:2017 (ed1.0), Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Introduction to the ISO 2859 series of standards for sampling for inspection by attributes
- ISO 28591:2917 (ed1.0), Sequential sampling plans for inspection by attributes
- ISO 28592:2017 (ed1.0), Double sampling plans by attributes with minimal sample sizes, indexed by producer's risk quality (PRQ) and consumer's risk quality (CRQ)
- ISO 28593:2017 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures by attributes - Accept-zero sampling system based on credit principle for controlling outgoing quality
- ISO 28594:2017 (ed1.0), Combined accept-zero sampling systems and process control procedures for product acceptance
- ISO/PWI 28596:2016 (ed1.0), Two-stage sampling plans for auditing
- ISO 28597:2017 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures by attributes - Specified quality levels in nonconforming items per million
- ISO 28598-2:2017 (ed1.0), Acceptance sampling procedures based on the allocation of priorities principle (APP) - Part 2: Coordinated single sampling plans for acceptance sampling by attributes
- IEC 60410:1973 (ed1.0), Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes (withdrawn on 2015)
- IEC 60410:2000 (ed2.0), Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes (revision proposal)
- IEC 61123:1991, Reliability testing - Compliance test plans for success ratio
- CNS-2778:1994, 計數值檢驗抽樣程序及抽樣表
- GB/T-2828, 計數抽樣檢驗程序
- GB/T-2828-1:2003, 第 1 部分:按接收質量限 (AQL) 檢索的逐批檢驗抽樣計畫
- GB/T-2828-2:2008, 第 2 部分:按極限質量 (LQ) 檢索的孤立批檢驗抽樣方案
- GB/T-2828-3:2008, 第 3 部分:跳批抽樣程序
- GB/T-2828-4:2008, 第 4 部分:聲稱質量水平的評定程序
- GB/T-2828-10:2010, 第 10 部分:GB/T 2828 計數抽樣檢驗系列標準導則
- GB/T-2828-11:2008, 第 11 部分:小總體聲稱質量水平的評定程序
- GB/T-2829:2002, 週期檢驗計數抽樣程序及表(適用於對過程穩定性的檢驗)
- GB/T-8051, 計數逐次抽樣檢驗標準的使用方法
- GB/T-8052, 計數連續抽樣檢驗標準的使用方法
- GS/T-13263, 跳批計數抽樣檢查程序
- GB/T-13264, 不合格品百分數的小批計數抽樣檢驗程序及抽樣表
- GB/T-13393, 驗收抽樣檢驗導則
- GB/T-13546, 挑選型計數抽樣檢查程序及抽樣表
- GJB-179, 計數抽樣檢驗程序及表
計量型抽樣檢驗(sampling inspection by variables)
- MIL-STD-414, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Defective
- ISO 3951 (series), Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Variables
- ANSI/ASQ Z1.9:2003, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Nonconforming
- ANSI/ASQ Z1.9:2008, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspeciion by Variables for Percent Nonconforming
- ISO 3951:1981 (ed1.0), Sampling procedures and charts for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming (revised by ISO 3951-1989)
- ISO 3951:1989 (ed2.0), Sampling procedures and charts for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming (replaced by ISO 3951-1:2005 and ISO 3951-2:2006)
- ISO 3951-1:2005 (ed1.0), Part 1: Specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection for a single quality characteristic and a single AQL (revised by ISO 3951-1:2013)
- ISO 3951-1:2013 (ed2.0), Part 1: Specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection for a single quality characteristic and a single AQL
- ISO 3951-2:2006 (ed1.0), Part 2: General specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection of independent quality characteristics (revised by ISO 3951-2:2013)
- ISO 3951-2:2013 (ed2.0), Part 2: General specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection of independent quality characteristics
- ISO 3951-3:2007 (ed1.0), Part 3: Double sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
- ISO 3951-4:2011 (ed1.0), Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels
- ISO 3951-5:2006 (ed1.0), Part 5: Sequential sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for inspection by variables (known standard deviation)
- ISO 8423:1991 (ed1.0), Sequential sampling plans for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming (know standard deviation) (replaced by ISO 3951-5:2006)
- ISO 8423:2008 (ed2.0), Sequential sampling plans for inspection by attributes for percent nonconforming (known standard deviation) (replaced by ISO 39511:2017)
- ISO/FDIS 39511:2017 (ed1.0), Sequential sampling plans for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming (known standard deviation)
- CNS-9445:1987, 計量值檢驗抽樣程序及抽樣表
- GB/T-6378:2002, 不合格品率的計量抽樣檢驗程序及圖表 (適用於連續批的檢驗)
- GB/T-6378:1986, 不合格品率的計量抽樣檢驗程序及圖表 (適用於連續批的檢驗)
- GB/T-6378, 計量抽樣檢驗程序 - 第 4 部分:對均值的聲稱品質水準的評定程序
- GB/T-8053, 不合品率的計量標準型一次抽樣檢驗程序及表
- GB/T-8504, 計量標準型一次抽樣檢驗程序及表
- GB/T-16307, 計量截尾序貫抽樣檢驗程序及抽樣表(適用於標準差已知的情形)
- MIL-HDBK-108, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Life and Reliability Testing (Based on Exponential Distribution)
- MIL-STD-690, Failure Rate Sampling Plans and Procedures
- MIL-HDBK-781, Reliability Test Methods, Plans, and Environments for Engineering Development, Qualification, and Production
- IEC 61124, Reliability Testing - Compliance Tests for Constant Failure Rate and Constant Failure Intensity
- CNS 11476, 電子零組件故障率試驗法通則 (Generic Test Procedure of Failure Rate for Electronic Components
- JIS-C-5003, 電子部品之故障率試驗方法通則