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QKC Quality Revelation Column-Opening Remark [複製鏈接]

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269 小時
發表於 2018-10-26 07:07:59 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
本帖最後由 官生平 於 2018-11-6 11:10 編輯

QKC Quality Revelation Column - Opening Remark
Kuan, Sheng-Pin
CSQ / QKC, Taipei, Taiwan

It is the time for QKC to create the "QKC Quality Revelation Column" to realize our vision: "inheriting the guiding principles of 'finding practical applications from academia and seeking theoretical practices in action', QKC is developing a sustainable platform of quality knowledge for Chinese society."   The plan is full of both innovation and challenge.  It is by no means an exaggerated tasks but with meaningful and realistic.  When looking back at our personal career development process, it will be a footprint to remember.  
In the 40-year teaching and working career in the field of industrial engineering and management, we have always insisted that it should focus on the promotion of management technology in practical applications and the cultivation of students and colleagues to improve their employability.  We followed this principles until retirement.  After retirement, our vision is to set the virtue and merit, and to expound ideas in writing, and gradually entered a working mode of integrated academic and practical application research.  The outcomes are neither the pursuing of difficult and rigorous academic research of SCI and/or SCCI style papers nor popular articles.  On the other hand, it is a pragmatic approach of development and promotion of quality management and assurance technologies.  In terms of writing mode, they are:

  • the vague idea in our mind, by the expression of words to make it clear;
  • the things what we see and hear, through the expression of words so that it can spread;
  • the esoteric knowledge that we can read, by the expression of words to make it easy to understand;
  • the experience of what we do, through the expressionof words so that it can be inherited;
  • making the future of the world trend predictable by written expresson;
  • using our knowledge, experience, skills and services provision to help others through the expression of words.

In July and August 2018, QKC launched a project to stay on site of the CTA plant and lead a 7 students group to help CTA implementing the ERP system.  During the period,  for the communication of the CTA ERP team member's sake, Kuan wrote weelly reports W1 ~ W9 and mailed to the people who are related.  It has demonstrated the ability to write the "QKC Qualty Revelation Column" weekly and start the pragmatic academic career after the age of 70.  

With the release of "QKC Quality Revelation Column", it can achieve the goal of QKC: "Establish an exchange and operation platform for innovation and quality management knowledge, to identify, create, acquire, apply, share, store, map these documented infromation and knowledge which can enhance the quality of life, product, service, and enviroment, and share the global Chinese and those who agree with CSQ/QKC to share and apply."  It will be a systematic, current, inspiring, retrospective, future and pragmatic column.  It will be published on a weekly basis; it will be transmitted as a PDF knowledge file by e-mail, knowledge website, and community website that can be mastered; if you intende to quote or circulate it, please indicate "QKC Quality Revelation Column."
Furthermore, it is the action plan to realize the "QKC's Technology Roadmap (2016 - 2024)", as shown in the following table.  Finally, write down a few personal principles of doing things to encourage each otehr's.  

  • The learning of the Deming's Profounded Knowledge is self-cultivation;
  • The inertia of PDCA is fundamental;
  • The use of scientific methods is technological;
  • The perception of leadership intentions is a refernce;
  • The perception of subordinate cognitive level is leasership.
  • The balance development of production, ecology, and society is target;
  • THe development of sustainable management is good fruit;
  • Humanistic thinking is Datong.

Table: "QKC Technology Roadmap (2016 - 2024)

Phase I: Inheritance Period

Phase II: Development Period

Phase III: Sustaintability Period


2016,2017, 2018

2019, 2020, 2021

2022, 2023, 2024

GoalEditing Quality Related Documented Information and Knowledge 40 VolumnsEditing Quality Related Documented Information and Knowledge 40 Volumes Editing Quality Related Documented Information and Knowledge 40 Volumes  
Planning Items

  • Integrate CSQ/QKC stakeholders and other relevent organizations in a grouped manner to establish network communication and operation platform.
  • Prepare documented information and knowledge control center.
  • Prepare the elder heritage book collection plan.
  • Cooperate with the Secretariat to assist the CSQ Board Meeting assigned tasks.
  • Study Internat of Things, Industry 4.0 and Big Data Quality Issues.

  • Continue to inherit the planning items for the inheritance period.
  • Establish documented information and knowledge control center.
  • Specificize the operation mode of the CSQ/QKC knowledge management website.
  • Officially published the CSQ/QKC Excellence Series Electronic Materials.

  • continue to inherit the planning items for the development period;
  • establish CSQ/QKC Excellent Management System;
  • Sustainable Developement of CSQ/QKC Business Model;
  • Editing history of the development of the Quality of Chinese people in the world.

  • develop the CSQ/QKC Vision, Goal, Strategy, Chinese Way and Core Value;
  • establish CSA/QKC Action Plans:
    - the elder heritage book collection plan,
    - biweekly QKC Seminar and Study Club;
    - annual quality publication collection, and
    - annual quality standards package (the B plan);
  • participate WACQ Summit meetings;
  • participate ANQ Congress meetings;
  • others.

  • implement and maintain the CSQ/QKC Vision, Goal, Strategy, Chinese Way, and Core Value;
  • implement CSQ/QKC Action Plans;
  • participate WACQ Summit meetings;
  • participate ANQ Congress meetings;
  • others.

  • Implement and maintain the CSQ/QKC Vision, Goal, Stragety, Chines Way, and Core Value;
  • implement CSQ/QKC Action Plans;
  • participate WACQ Summit meetings;
  • Participate ANQ Congress meetings;
  • others.

E-mail: pin12345@ms5.hinet.net ;
Website: http://www.kmcloud.org/ ; http://tw-redi.com/forum.php

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轉貼:六月.七月.八月ANQ Congress 2015 Taipei 品質月刋及九月份專輯己上傳至QKC知識社群網站內... 網址:http://www.kmcloud.org/   
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