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本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2014-10-28 18:35 編輯
書名:汽車與機械工程之可靠度(Reliability in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering)
作者:Bernd Bertsche (University of Stuttgart)
目錄 (table of contents)
1. 前言 (introduction)
2. 統計與機率理論基本原理 (fundamentals of statistics and probability theory)
2.1 統計與機率理論基本原理 (fundamentals in statistics and probability theory)
2.1.1 統計描述與失效行為表示法 (statistical description and representation of the failure behaviour) 直方圖與密度函數 (histogram and density function) 分布函數或失效機率 (distribution function or failure probability) 存活機率或可靠度 (survival probability or reliability) 失效率 (failure rate)
2.1.2 統計值 (statistical values)
2.1.3 可靠度參數 (reliability parameters)
2.1.4 機率定義 (definition of probability)
2.2 描述可靠度之壽命時間分布 (lifetime distributions for reliability description)
2.2.1 常態分布 (normal distribution)
2.2.2 指數分布 (exponential distribution)
2.2.3 韋伯分布 (Weibull distribution)
2.2.4 對數常態分布 (logarithmic normal distribution)
2.2.5 進一步分布 (further distributions) 伽瑪分布 (gamma distribution) 歐朗分布 (Erlang distribution) 西沃斯分布 (Hjorth distribution) 正弦分布 (sine distribution) 羅吉特 (Logit distribution) 移位柏拉圖分布 (shifted Pareto distribution) SB詹森分布 (SB Johnson distribution)
2.3 布林理論計算系統可靠度 (calculation of system reliability with the Boolean theory)
2.4 壽命時間分布練習 (exercise to lifetime distribution)
2.5 系統計算練習(exercises to system calculation)
3. 變速箱可靠度分析 (reliability analysis of transmission)
3.1 系統分析 (system analysis)
3.1.1 決定系統元件 (determination of system components)
3.1.2 決定系統要件 (determination of system elements)
3.1.3 分類系統要件 (classification of system elements)
3.1.4 決定可靠度架構 (determination of the system structure)
3.2 決定系統要件可靠度 (determination of the reliability of system elements)
3.3 計算系統可靠度 (calculation of the system reliability)
4. 失效模式與效應分析(failure mode and effects analysis, FMEA)
4.1 FMEA方法基本原則與一般原理 (basic principles and general fundamentals of FMEA methodology)
4.2 VDA 86 FMEA (FMEA according to VDA 86 (form FMEA))
4.3 VDA 86 設計FMEA案例 (example of a design FMEA according to VDA 86)
4.4 VDA 4.2 FMEA (FMEA according to VDA 4.2)
4.4.1 步驟1:系統要件與系統結構 (step 1: system elements and system structure)
4.4.2 步驟2:功能與功能結構 (step 2: functions and function structure)
4.4.3 步驟3:失效分析 (step 3: failure analysis)
4.4.4 步驟4:風險評鑑 (step 4: risk assessment)
4.4.5 步驟5:最佳化 (optimization)
4.5 VDA 4.2產品系統FMEA範例 (example of a system FMEA product according to VDA 4.2)
4.5.1 步驟1:調適型變速箱系統要件與系統結構 (step 1: system elements and system structure of the adapting transmission)
4.5.2 步驟2:調適型變速箱功能與功能結構 (step 2: functions and function structure of the adapting transmission)
4.5.3 步驟3:調適型變速箱失效功能與失效功能結構 (step 3: failure functions and failure function structure of the adapting transmission)
4.5.4 步驟4:調適型變速箱風險評鑑 (step 4: risk assessment of the adapting transmission)
4.5.5 步驟5:調適型變速箱最佳化 (step 5: optimization of the adapting transmission)
4.6 VDA 4.2 系統FMEA過程範例 (example of a system FMEA process according to VDA 4.2)
4.6.1 步驟1:輸出軸製造過程系統要件與系統結構 (step 1: system elements and system structure for the manufacturing process of the output shaft)
4.6.2 步驟2::輸出軸製造過程功能與功能結構 (step 2: functions and function structure for the manufacturing process of the output shaft)
4.6.3 步驟3:輸出軸製造失效功能與失效功能結構 (step 3: failure functions and failure function structure for the manufacturing process of the output shaft)
4.6.4 步驟4:輸出軸製造方法風險評鑑 (step 4: risk assessment of the manufacturing process of the output shaft)
4.6.5 步驟5:輸出軸製造方法最佳化 (step 5: optimization of the manufacturing process of the output shaft)
5. 故障樹分析 (fault tree analysis, FTA)
5.1 FTA一般程序 (general procedure of the FTA)
5.1.1 失效模式 (failure modes)
5.1.2 符號 (symbolism)
5.2 定性故障樹分析 (qualitative fault tree analysis)
5.2.1 定性目的 (qualitative objectives)
5.2.2 基本程序 (basic procedure)
5.2.3 FMEA 與 FTA 比較 (comparison between FMEA and FTA)
5.3 定量故障樹分析 (quantitative fault tred analysis)
5.3.1 定量目的 (quantitative objectives)
5.3.2 布林模型 (Boolean modelling)
5.3.3 系統應用 (application to systems) 串聯與並聯形態 (series and parallel configuration) 橋式形態 (bridge configuration)
5.4 可靠度圖形 (reliability graph)
5.5 範例 (examples)
5.6 故障樹分析練習題 (exercise problems to the fault tree analysis)
6. 壽命時間試驗與失效統計量評鑑 (assessment of lifetime tests and failure statistics)
6.1 壽命時間試驗規劃 (planning lifetime tests)
6.2 次序統計量及其分布 (order statistics and their distributions)
6.3 失效時間圖解分析 (graphical analysis of failure times)
6.3.1 決定韋伯線(兩參數韋伯分布)(determination of the Weibull lines (two parametric Weibull distribution)
6.3.2 信心區間考量 (consideration of confidence intervals)
6.3.3 無失效時間t0 考量 (三參數韋伯分布)(consideration of the failure free time t0 (three parametric Weibull distribution))
6.4 不完全(檢剔)資料評鑑 (assessment of incomplete (censored) data)
6.4.1 型I與型II檢剔 (censoring type I and type II)
6.4.2 多重檢剔資料 (multiple censored data)6.4.3 猝死試驗 (sudden death test)
6.5 少量總和信心區間 (confidence interval for low summations)
6.6 可靠度試驗評鑑分析方法 (analytical methods for the assessment of reliability tests)
6.6.1 動差法 (method of moments)
6.6.2 回歸分析 (regression analysis)
6.6.3 最大概似法 (maximum likelihood method)
6.7 壽命時間評鑑練習 (exercises to assessment of lifetime tests)
7. 特殊選定機器元件韋伯參數 (Weibull parameters for specifically selected machine components)
7.1 形狀參數 b (shape parameter b)
7.2 特徵壽命時間 T (characteristic lifetime T)
7.3 無失效時間 t0 及 ftB 因子 (failure free time t0 and factor ftB)
8. 可靠度試驗規劃方法 (methods for reliability test planning)
8.1 根據韋伯分布之試驗規劃 (test planning based on Weibull distribution)
8.2 根據二項分布之試驗規劃 (test planning based on binomial distribution)
8.3 壽命時間比值 (lifetime ratio)
8.4 試驗時失效概要 (generalization for failures during a test)
8.5 驗前資訊考量 (貝氏方法) (consideration of prior information (Baysians-method))
8.6 加速壽命時間試驗 (accelerated lifetime tests)
8.6.1 時間加速因子 (time-acceleration factor)
8.6.2 步進應力方法 (step stress method)
8.6.3 高加速壽命試驗 (highly accelerated life testing, HALT)
8.6.4 退化試驗 (degradation test)
8.7 可靠度試驗練習題 (exercise problems to reliability test planning)
9. 機器元件壽命時間計算 (lifetime calculations for machine components)
9.1 外部負載、容許負載與可靠度 (external loads, tolerable loads and reliability)
9.1.1 靜力與耐久強度設計 (static and endurance strength design)
9.1.2 疲勞強度與操作疲勞強度 (fatigue strength and operational fatigue strength)
9.2 負載 (loads)
9.2.1 操作負載之決定 (determination of operational loads)
9.2.2 負載頻譜 (load spectrum)
9.3 容許負載、沃勒曲線、SN曲線 (tolerable load, Wohler curves, SN curve)
9.3.1 應力與應變控制沃勒曲線 (stress and strain controlled Wohler curves)
9.3.2 沃勒曲線之決定 (determination of Wohler curves)
9.4 壽命時間計算 (lifetime calculation)
9.4.1 破壞累積 (damage accumulation)
9.4.2 雙參數破壞計算 (two parameters damage calculation)
9.4.3 標稱應力概念與局部概念 (nominal stress concept and local concept)
9.5 結語 (conclusion)
10. 維護與可靠度 (maintenance and reliability)
10.1 維護基礎 (fundamentals of maintenance)
10.1.1 維護方法 (maintenance methods)
10.1.2 維護層級 (maintenance levels)
10.1.3 修理優先性 (repair priorities)
10.1.4 維護能量 (maintenance capacities)
10.1.5 維護策略 (maintenance strategies)
10.2 生命週期成本 (life cycle costs)'
10.3 可靠度參數 (reliability parameters)
10.3.1 條件函數 (the condition function)
10.3.2 維護參數 (maintenance parameters)
10.3.3 可用度參數 (availability parameters)
10.4 可修系統計算模型 (models for the calculation of repairable systems)
10.4.1 定期維護模型 (periodical maintenance model)
10.4.2 馬可夫模型 (Markov model)
10.4.3 布爾‧馬可夫模型 (Boole-Markov model)
10.4.4 共同更新過程 (common renewal processes)
10.4.5 交插更新過程 (alternating renewal processes)
10.4.6 半馬可夫過程 (semi-Markov processes)
10.4.7 系統傳輸理論 (system transport theory)
10.4.8 各種計算方法比較 (comparison of the calculation methods)
10.5 可修系統練習題 (exercise problems in repairable systems)
11. 可靠度保證方案 (reliability assurance program)
11.1 前言 (introduction)
11.2 可靠度保證方案基本原理 (fundamentals of the the reliability assurance program)
11.2.1 產品定義 (product definition)
11.2.2 產品設計 (product design)
11.2.3 生產與運作 (production and operation)
11.2.4 產品設計循環之進一步行動 (further actions in the product design cycle)
11.2.5 結語
解答 (solutions)