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可靠度試驗國際標準(IEC)現況彙整 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 2013-4-4 22:28:32 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽
本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2014-10-5 08:36 編輯

國際電工委員會(IEC)發行的可靠度試驗相關國際標準,導引標準(leading standard)由原先的IEC 60606-1變更為IEC 60300-3-5,將整個可靠度(可恃性)相關國際標準統一回歸在IEC 60300系列的文件架構體系中,IEC 60605變成第4階的工具性文件:
  • IEC 60300-3-5:2001, Dependability Mangement - Part 3-5: Application Guide - Reliability Test Conditions and Statistical Test Principles (ed 1.0, 2001-03-07, 139 pages, Stability Date: 2016)
  • IEC 60605, Equipment Reliability Testing
  • IEC 60605-1:2001, Part 1: General Requirements (withdrawn and replaced by IEC 60300-3-5)
  • IEC 60605-2:1994, Part 2: Guidance for the Design of Test Cycles for Equipment Reliability Testing (ed 1.0, 1994-10-12, 63 pages, Stability Date: 2013)
  • IEC 60605-3, Part 3: Preferred Test Conditions (total six documents withdrawn in 2009 no replaced documents)
  • IEC 60605-4:2001, Part 4: Statistical Procedures for Exponential Distribution - Point Estimates, Confidence Intervals, Predictive Intervals and Tolerance Intervals (ed 2.0, 2001-08-14, 65 pages, Stability Date: 2016)
  • IEC 60605-5:1991, Part 5: Compliance Test Plans for Success Ratio (withdrawn in 1991 and replaced by IEC 61123)
  • IEC 60605-6:2007, Part 6: Test for the Validity of a Constant Failure Rate Assumptions (ed 3.0, 2007-05-15, 92 pages, Stability Date: 2013)
  • IEC 60605-7:1978, Part 7: Compliance Test Plans for Failure Rate and Mean Time Between Failure Assuming Constant Failure Rate (withdrawn in 1997 and replaced by IEC 61124)
  • IEC 61123:1991, Reliability Testing - Compliance Tests for Constant Failure Rate and Constant Failure Intensity (ed 1.0, 1991-12-24, 61 pages, Stability Date: 2018)
  • IEC 61124:2012, Reliability Testing - Compliance Test Plans for Success Ratio (ed 3.0, 2012-05-23, 184 pages, Stability Date: 2016)
  • IEC 61163-1:2006, Reliability Stress Screening - Part 1: Repairable Assemblies Manufactured in Lots (ed 2.0, 2006-06-26, 161 pages, Stability Date: 2018)
  • IEC 61163-2: 1998, Reliability Stress Screening - Part 2: Electronic Components (ed 1.0, 1998-11-27, 75 pages, Stability Date: 2013)
  • IEC 61164:2004, Reliability Growth - Statistical Test and Estimation Methods (ed 2.0, 2004-03-24, 55 pages, Stability Date: 2014)
  • IEC 61649:2008, Weibul Analysis (72 pages) (ed 2.0, 2008-08-13, 72 pages, Stability Date: 2013)
  • IEC 61650:1997, Reliability Data Analysis Techniques - Procedures for Comparison of Two Constant Failure Rates and Two Failure (Event) Intensities (ed 1.0, 1997-08-06, 27 pages, Stability Date: 2016)
  • IEC 61710:2000, Power Law Model - Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Estimation Methods (ed 1.0, 2000-11-28, 46 pages, Stability Date: 2012, ed 2.0 FDIS 2013-02-15)
  • IEC 62308:2006, Equipment Reliability - Reliability Assessment Methods (ed 1.0, 2006-07-26, 54 pages, Stability Date: 2016)
  • IEC 62429:2007, Reliability Growth - Stress Testing for Early Failures in Unique Complex Systems (ed 1.0, 2007-11-30, 83 pages, Stability Date: 2013)

  • 可靠度試驗分類:

  • 可靠度試驗流程與相對應IEC 60605系列可靠度試驗國際標準的關係如下圖所示:

上圖係根據IEC 60605:1974所述的資訊繪製,圖中未包括IEC 60300-3-5,就試驗資料是完全資料或中止資料,中止資料分為定時中止(fix-time)與定數中止(fix-number)兩類的分類方式。

  • IEC 60605-1:1978 ed. 1.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 1: General Requirements
  • IEC 60605-2:1994 ed. 1.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 2: Guidance for the Design of Test Cycles for Equipment Reliability Testing
  • IEC 60605-3, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 3: Preferred Test Conditions for Equipment Reliability Testing (Canceled and without replacement in 2009)
  • IEC 60605-4:2001 ed. 2.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 4: Procedures for Determining Point Estimates and Confidence Limits from Equipment Reliability Determination Tests (Replaces the IEC 60605-4:1986 ed 1.0)
  • IEC 60605-5:1982 ed 1.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 5: Compliance Test Plans for Success Ratio (Superseded by  IEC 61123 ed 1.0 in 1992)
  • IEC 60605-6:2007 ed 3.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 6: Tests for the Validity of a Constant Failure Rate Assumption (Replaces IEC 60605-6:1997 ed 2.0 and IEC 60605-6:1989 ed 1.0)
  • IEC 60605-7:1978 ed 1.0, Compliance Test Plans for Failure Rate and Mean Time Between Failures Assuming Constant Failure Rate (Superseded by IEC 61124 ed 2.0 in 1997)
  • IEC 60605-8, Tests for the Validity of a Non-Constant Failure Rate Assumption (Use IEC 61710)
  • IEC 60605-9, Compliance Test Plans Assuming Weibull Distribution of Times to Failure (Use IEC 61649)
  • IEC 60605-10, Compliance Test Plans Assuming Normal Distribution of Times to Failure
  • IEC 60605-11, Flow Chart Describing Preparations for and Execution of Reliability Tests

其中IEC 60605-8, IEC 60605-9, IEC 60605-10, 及IEC 60605-11等4部分好像沒有正式出版。而IEC 60605-3又細分出版了6個部分:
  • IEC 60605-3-1:1986 ed. 1.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 3: Preferred Test Conditions - Indoor Portable Equipment - Low Degree of Simulation
  • IEC 60605-3-2:1986 ed 1.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 3: Preferred Test Conditions - Equipment for Stationary Use in Weatherprotected Locations - High Degree of Simulation
  • IEC 60605-3-3:1992 ed 1.0, Equipment Reliability Testing Part 3: Preferred Test Conditions Section 3: Test Cycle 3: Equipment for Stationary Use in Partially Weatherproteced Locations - Low Degree of Simulation
  • IEC 60605-3-4:1992 ed 1.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 3: Preferred Test Conditions Section 4: Test Cycle 4: Equipment for Portable and Non-Stationary Use - Low Degree of Simulation
  • IEC 60605-3-5:1996 ed 1.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 3: Preferred Test Conditions - Section 5: Test Cycle 5: Ground Mobile Equipment - Low Degree of Simulation
  • IEC 60605-3-6:1995 ed 1.0, Equipment Reliability Testing - Part 3: Preferred Test Conditions - Section 6: Test Cycle 6: Outdoor Transportable Equipment - Low Degree of Simulation

IEC 60605-3整個系列(至少已出版的6個分部),2009年IEC宣稱全部撤銷且沒有替代文件,或許是因為這部分的爭議性太多。

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