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6. 試驗條件 [複製鏈接]

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6. 試驗條件
6.1 選定試驗條件一般原理
6.2 試驗前條件與改正維護
6.3 操作與環境試驗條件規格
6.3.1 操作條件
6.3.2 環境條件
6.4 維護條件規格
6.4.1 預防維護
6.4.2 改正維護

6 試驗條件 (Test Conditions)
6.1 選擇試驗條件一般原理 (General Principles of Selecting Test Conditions)
The following major factors should be taken into consideration, when selecting reliability test conditions for items:
- the basic reason for requiring or performing a reliability test;
- environmental conditions in use;
- the expected variations in the conditions of use for the tested item;
- the likelihood that the different stress factors represented in the conditions of use will induce failures;
- the relative cost of tests based on different test conditions;
- test facilities available;
- test time available;
- the predicted values of the reliability measures as a function of test condtions.  
– 要求或執行可靠度試驗的基本原因;
– 使用中的環境條件;
– 試件在使用條件下的預期變化;
– 使用條件之不同應力因子會導致失效的可能性;
– 對應不同試驗條件的試驗相對成本;
– 可用的試驗設備;
– 可用的試驗時段;
– 為試驗條件函數的可靠度度量預估值。

If the reason for testing is to show that the item reliability is not smaller than a particular, possibly critical (say regarding safety) level, the test conditions should not exclude any important extreme use condition.  

If the level of reliability applicable to the normal conditions of use is to be demonstrated or determined, such as for optimization of maintenance planning, the test conditions should be highly representative of use conditions.  If the reason is to compare different versions of an item with discriminative test results, reproducible test conditions will often be essential with stress levels approaching the limiting conditions of use.  In any case, the severity of the different stress factors should not exceed the limiting stress values which the item is specified to withstand, except for step-stress tests.  Note that step-stress tests are not covered by this standard, although the statistical methods listed may be applied when undertaking such tests, if time is replaced by stress level.  

Where several operating, environmental and maintenance conditions should be taken into account during the test, test conditions are generally a periodic repetition of an appropriate test cycle.  The detailed reliability test plan should include a diagram showing the occurrence, duration, time interval and interrelationships of the operating, environmental and preventive maintenance conditions of the test cycle.  

Where the test needs to reproduce closely several operating, environmental and maintenance conditions, a test cycle should be designed especially for the test.  The procedure for setting up such a test cycle with a high degree of simulation is decribed in IEC 60605-2.  Where the test needs to fulfil special requirements, for example special functions monitoring facilities or a high degree of time compression, IEC 60605-2 can also be used to tailor a specific test cycle.  
若試驗需要很接近地重現數種操作、環境及維護條件時,則應該為此試驗特別設計一個試驗循環。在IEC 60605-2中描述了安排建立這種具有高擬真性試驗循環的程序。若試驗需要滿足特別的要求,例如特殊功能的監視設備或高度時間壓縮,則IEC 60605-2亦可用來裁適這些特別的試驗循環。

Where the reliability test is made under one well-defined set of operating, environmental and maintenance conditions chosen to reflect one of the various conditions that may be encountered in the field, the strandarized test cycles with low degree of simulation as listed in the IEC 60605-3 series can be used to simulate typical conditions of use.  In other cases one of the more extreme environmental conditions may be selected.  
當可靠度試驗是要在定義明確的一組操作、環境及維護條件下進行,所選用條件反映出現場可能遭遇的各種條件之一,則可以使用IEC 60605-3系列所列舉之標準化低擬真性試驗循環,作為模擬典型的使用條件。在其他情況下,亦可選用更極端的環境條件之一。

In general, acceleration of the test by increasing the stress level with respect to field use should not be undertaken except when comparison tests or step-stress tests are needed.  

Acceleration of the operating test conditions for calendar time compression may be considered for items, where the reliability measures are dependent mainly on the number of operating cycles.  

The environmental test exposures should, whenever possible be based on preferred conditions specified in the IEC 60068 series.  
環境試驗執行應儘可能優先基於IEC 60068 系列所規定的條件。

6.2  試驗前條件與改正維修 (Pre-test Conditions and Corrective Maintenance)

The following should be specified as applicable:
a) tests, adjustments, calibrations and operating time, for example, reliability stress screening of the test items prior to the reliability test (see 6.1);
b) corrective maintenance procedures to be applied, including any permitted replacement of failed non-repairable or repairable items (see 6.4.2);
c) pre-exposure to bring test items in a specified condition, i.e., simulated storage and/or transportation.  
a) 試驗、調整、校正及操作時間,例如試件可靠度應力篩選應在可靠度試驗之前執行(參閱第6.1節) ;
b) 打算使用的改正維修程序,包括任何允許替換的可修或非可修之失效試件(參閱第6.4.2節);
c) 以預先暴露將試件導至規定的條件,亦即儲存及/或運輸的模擬。

6.3 操作與環境試驗條件規範 (Specification of Operating and Environmental Test Conditions)
6.3.1 操作條件 (Operating Conditions)

The following categories of operating conditions should be described in the detailed reliability test plan, as far as theyare applicable.  
只要適用,應在可靠度試驗計畫內詳細說明以下種類的操作條件。 功能模式 (Functional Modes)

Complex items may have several well defined but different functional modes.  The operational profile for the items during actual field use defines the percentage of time spent in each mode, and also the pattern of  transition from one mode to another.   The transitions may be executed by direct operator control or automatically.  

Examples of a repairable item with several operational modes include: a ratio set operated as a VHF receiver or as an audio amplifier, measuring equipment operated as a digital voltmeter or as a counter, a radar system operated by manual or automatic tracking.  
以具有數種操作模式的可修試件為例,這包括︰收音機的操作可作為 VHF 接收器或作為音響放大器,測量裝備的操作可作為數位電壓計或作為計數器,雷達系統的操作可採用手控或自動追蹤。 輸入信號 (Input Signals)

The requirements on the input signal characteristics should be specified with tolerance limits on all measurable signal parameters that can influence the operation of the item in the test.  This is particularly important in the case of a complex test equipment interface, to make it possible to distinguish between failure of the item under test and a failure of the test equipment itself.  Input signals are a major part of the environmental specification and should be specified as, for example, nominal or extreme values, as relevant.  
針對試驗中可影響試件操作的所有可測信號之參數,規定其容許界限乃輸入信號特性之要求。這在複雜的試驗裝備界面狀況下特別重要,應使之能區分試驗中失效是屬試件失效或試驗裝備失效。輸入信號為環境規格中應規定的主要部分,例如,標稱值或極大值,及其相關者。 負載條件 (Load Conditions)

The electrical and mechanical load condtions generally form a considerable part of the stresses imposed upon the test item, and should therefore be carefully specified.  Electrical loads may be characterized by their input impedance and any transient behavior.  Mechanical loads may be either static or dynamic in character.  The actual power output of the item as part of the load condition should be specified and used in the testing.  Load conditions can be specific as, for example, nomial or minimum values, as relevant.  
在施加於試件的應力中,電機和機械負載條件通常會形成頗重要的部分,因此應仔細的規定。電負載可由其輸入阻抗及任一暫態行為來描繪其特性。機械負載之特性可能為靜力或動力。應該規定試件實際的功率輸出以及部分負載條件,並在試驗中使用。例如標稱值或極大值及其相關者,即為規定負載條件的方式。  試件的操縱或搬運 (Manipulation or Handling of the Item)

Handling of operator controls, etc., is often necessary in order to simulate field use.  Excessive and uncontrolled handling might, on the other hand, impose unintended stresses on the items.  Such requirements and the restrictions should be stated in the detailed reliability test plan.  If rough handling is intended to be an element of the element, it should be carefully specified.  
為了模擬現場使用條件,常需由技術人員控制與操縱。過度和未受控制的操縱可能對試件強加超乎預期之應力。此要求與限制應在詳細的可靠度試驗計畫內說明。若劇烈的操縱是試驗預定的要項,則應謹慎的規定。 支援供給 (Supporting Supplies)

Required characteristics, for example, voltage, frequency, waveform, transient or harmonics, of external electrical power supplies should be specified, along with corresponding tolerances.  The requirements concerning other supplies, such as water, oil, cooling or pressurized air, should be stated where applicable.  

For items using artificial cooling from an external supply, the actual temperature stresses are completely or partially determined by the cooling system characteristics.  The requirements on the cooling system parameters, flow rate, inlet temperature, humidity, cleanliness, etc., should be stated in the detailed reliability test plan.  

6.3.2 環境條件 (Environmental Conditions)

The environmental conditions during field use usually consist of combinations and sequences of many environmental factors of varying severity.  The precise control of the use environment during field testing is, however, normally not economically possible, and may not be important from a testing point of view.  In the case of field tests, it is especially important to record the test conditions.  

For laboratory testing, the environmental factors may be applied singly, in combination or in sequence.  The environmental test exposure should, whenever possible be based upon preferred test severity specified in the IEC 60068 series.  The detailed reliability test plan should state the environmental test conditions to be used, preferably by specifying the sequence of the transitions between the standardized test conditions and giving the information required in the relevant specification as listed in the appropriate tests of IEC 60068-2.  Complete information on tests not included in or deviating from IEC 60068 should also be given.  
對實驗室的試驗而言,可在結合或先後次序中單獨使用環境因子。環境試驗執行應儘可能優先基於IEC 60068 系列所規定的條件。詳細的可靠度試驗計畫應說明打算採用之環境試驗條件,最好能規定標準化試驗條件的順序及轉換,並提供IEC 60068-2適當試驗所列相關規格之要求資訊。應提供未包含的試驗或偏離IEC 60068 的完整資訊。

Detailed guidance for the selection of the operating and environmental test conditions are given in IEC 60605-2.  
IEC 60605-2提供選用操作與環境試驗條件的的詳細指引。

In most applications, the operating, environmental and maintenance conditions of use will be used in a great variety of combinations, sequences and severity.  Some groups of applications are, however, similar and frequent enough to justify the use of standardized test cycles for laboratory compliance and estimation testing.  These standardized (preferred) test conditions are specified in detail in the IEC 60605-3 series and should be used whenever relevant.  In the case of field test, it is especially important to record the test conditions.  
在多數應用中,使用時的操作、環境和維修條件,將會以許多種的結合、順序和嚴厲度方式來運用。然而,有些應用組其相似性與頻繁性已足以證實使用標準化試驗循環之實驗室符合及估計試驗是正確的。這些標準化(優先)的試驗條件在IEC 60605-3 系列中有詳細規定,且應在有相關時採用。就現場試驗而言,記錄試驗條件是非常重要的。

注釋:IEC 60721系列標準提供一般電機產品的環境條件。

6.4        維修條件規格 (Specification of Maintenance Conditions)
6.4.1 預防維修 (Preventive Maintenance)

A preventive maintenance policy may be included in the reliability test carried out on those types of items where the specification requires maintenance action to be implemented as a normal routine during actual use.  In any case, the preventive maintenance action during the test should not differ in principle from that applied in actual filed use, and the amount of preventive maintenance undertaken during the test should neither exceed nor be less than that specified in actual use.  

Typical categories of preventive maintenance action are part replacement, adjustment, alignment, lubrication, cleaning, resetting, etc.   

The test programme should, where appropriate, at least define the following:
- the preventive maintenance actions to be taken and their limitations;
- the preventive maintenance intervals, times or other criteria governing the need for preventive maintenance.  
– 採用的預防維修作為及其限制;
– 預防維修之間隔、時間或受其他準則左右的預防維修需求。

The programme may include a functional check and necessary replacement of redundant elements is so far as this is a specified procedure in field use.  

The preventive maintenance interval times or other criteria should be stated in the detailed reliabilitiy test plan and noted before the test is carried out.  The intervals or times may be specified in terms of operating time, calendar time or relevant test time (for example number of cycles).  They should be specified in a proper phase relationships to other cycled events or activities of the reliability test.  The actually performed maintenance should be recorded in the test log.  

6.4.2 改正維修 (Corrective Maintenance)
The detailed reliability test plan should indicate the replacement policy to be used for repairable items, i.e., the level (sub-units, sub-assemblies, parts, etc.) at which repairs or replacements are allowed during the test.  

The following actions should be taken when a test item failure is observed.  
a) The test item failure should be adequately recorded and confirmed as far as possible.  If it is not possible to confirm the cause of the failure, the following steps may only be partly applicable.  
b) The failure location should be determined and necessary failure analysis and diagnostic tests be started in order to find the failure cause.  
c) A first assessment should be made to determine the class of failure.  The final classification should be deferred until the report from the failure analysis of items is available.  
d) An assessment should be made to trace possible secondary failures.
e) Based on steps a) to d) a decision should be made on the extent of the repair needed, if any.
f) The repair should be performed, if required.  Failed non-repairable items, should be, if possible, stored in their failed condition for subsequent detailed analysis.
g) If the type of test so permits, the repaired test item should be put back in the test without delay.  

a) 試件試驗失效應儘可能充分的記錄並確認。若不可能確認失效發生原因,則以下步驟只有部分可適用。
b) 應確定失效位置及必要的失效分析並啟動診斷試驗以發現失效原因。
c) 應執行初次評定以確定失效的類別。最終的分類應在取得試件失效分析報告後再做。
d) 應做出失效評定,以追蹤可能的二次失效。
e) 基於步驟a) 至d),如果必須維修,應決定修理的程度。
f) 如有要求,應該進行修理。失效的非可修試件,應儘可能保存於其失效狀態下,以供後續之詳細分析。
g) 如為特定類型之試驗所允許,修好的試件可立即放回試驗中,而不用耽擱。

Following corrective maintenance and prior to the resumption of the test, it is permissible to test the performance of the test item in the test facility.  The detailed reliability test plan should, where relevant, specify, for all replaceable sub-assemblies or components of the repairable item under test, the period of operation (or number of cycles), which should be used to verify the effectiveness of ther repair.  

Failure and time during this period should be recorded and reported but not considered as relevant test time, unless otherwise specified in the detailed reliability plan.  

If an incorrect diagnosis is made and if the replacement of a sub-assembly or a component does not eliminate the failure, the original item should be reinstalled, if possible, and the fault-finding procedure continued.  

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