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附錄A:資料篩選 [複製鏈接]

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2326 小時
發表於 2013-10-29 11:38:16 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽
本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-12-18 15:01 編輯

Annex A (informative) Data screening 附錄A:(參考)資料篩選

There are a number of general requirements that apply to all the statistical tools referred to in this standard.  These requirements are mainly concerned with the design and control of the testing.

There are several areas that the test engineer should explore before commencing any testing, for example:
- purpose of the test;
- test equipment available;
- design of the test;
- setting up of the test;
- control of the test;
- collection of the data from the test.
– 試驗目的;
– 可用的試驗設備;
– 試驗設計;
– 試驗規劃;
– 試驗控制;
– 試驗資料收集。

A carefully planned test increases the chance that the data can be analyzed using referenced statistical standards.

However, before applying any of the statistical tools, the data should be screened.

Particular attention should be paid to any unusual patterns in the data.  Unusual patterns may suggest that there is a mixture of different populations.  For example, simple exploratory data analysis could be conducted. Such analysis could take the form of simple plots of time against failure number, bar charts, pie charts, tabulations and statistical techniques such as Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).  ANOVA may give a more formal indication of the existence of significant population differences.  Unusual patterns in the data may suggest test equipment problems or data collection problems or several different failure modes.

In the case of failed items, the engineer should investigate, if possible, the the failure modes or failure mechanisms before applying the statistical techniques. Mixing data from different failure modes may give erroneous results.  At best, only average data for the actual mixture of failure modes may be estimated, note that the mixture may change with test condition (for example Arrhenius equation).   

A.1 失效模式分類 (Classification of Failure Modes)

Figure A.1 shows a bar chart for the number of failures of a particular type of item grouped by failure mode.  By classifying the data into failure modes,the engineer has a better knowledge of where particular problem areas lie.  Statistical modeling of the data therefore be carried out on the data for each category. This is in fact an example of a Pareto diagram, i.e., where a large proportion of the faults are due to a small number of causes.

圖 A.1 :柏拉圖

A.2 故障分類 (Classification of Faults)

Figure A.2 shows a pie chart of fault categories for a repaired item.  Each fault has been categorized so that future occurrences of these faults can be avoided through changes in design, manufacturing process, component suppliers, etc.  This is particularly useful in development programmes as the number of design, component and external faults should decrease, over a period of time, as the design becomes more stable and the manufacturing processes have been set up and verified.  This type of data screening is often used when monitoring reliability growth programmes.  


A.3 不同失效模式混合 (Mixtures of Different Failure Modes)
Figure A.3 shows a plot of operating times to failure for non-repaired items of a particular type.  Notice that there appears to be three separate sets of data.  For example, for an electronics product, the first set could be due to early life failures such as design problems, incorrect component rating, process problems, dry joints or mechanical damage, etc.  The middle set could be due to random failures or perhaps leaking packages.  The third set could be associated with wear-out mechanisms such as solder joint fatigue.  By plotting this data, the engineer can observe these different stages and therefore further investigate the cause of these failures.  This analysis should be done before attempting to model the data for compliance, comparison or estimation.  


A.4 不同群體混合 (Mixture of different population)
If it is suspected that some items within an operational system have a manufacturing defect, what could be done to investigate the extent of the problem in terms of expected life?  A number of items of the same type could be tested to investigate the expected life.  The test would have to be able to induce the same failure mechanism as that observed in the field of operation.  Suppose there are 60 items and three different batches to be tested.  The resultant data would firstly have to be screened for a mixture of differing populations.  A check as to whether there is any significant difference between batches would therefore have to be carried out using exploratory techniques and other statistical technique, for example, ANOVA.

Figure A.4 shows the times to failure for non-repaired items divided into batches.  
圖A.4 顯示不修復物品分成批次的失效發生時間。

It appears that batch C items have behaved differently from the others and that perhaps there are two separate populations, formal statistical techniques and failure analysis may confirm this hypothesis.  Further analysis of this data using tools described in this standard would only be meaningful if data from batches A and B were analyzed separately from batch C data.


A.5 故障診斷 (Fault Diagnosis)

Analysis of data of a particular non-repaired item indicated a larger number of fault incidents than expected, resulting in a higher estimated failure rate.  Closer inspection of the data showed that the times to failure were as shown in Figure A.5.  

Further investigation of the population showed that there were five items of this type on each printed circuit board.  After questioning the diagnostic engineer it was found the only one failure had occurred but the engineer thought that it was best to replace all five items.  Thus if the estimated failure rate has been accepted without further investigation it would have implied a shorter expected life and consequently too many spares may have been ordered.  


A.6 試驗裝備故障 (Test Equipment Faults)

Figure A.6 shows operating time to failure for a single repaired item.  The data appears to have a large number of early failures followed by an increasing trend in the times between failures.  

The reasons for this clustering effect should be investigated before model fiting.  When complex simulation equipment is used for testing purposes the initial set-up of the equipment is crucial.  The early failures shown in Figure A.6 could be the result of errorneous parameters set in the simulation.  

When selecting a distribution or process for modeling data, the user should firstly use engineering judgement and knowledge of the items under test.  Simple exploratory data analysis techniques and more formal statistical techniques should, together with failure analysis confirm or modify engineering judgement.  
當選擇一個分布或過程建立資料模型時,分析者首先應該利用工程判斷及對受試物品的知識,接著應該以簡單的探索式資料分析(exploratory data analylsis)技術和更正式的統計技術,結合失效分析,來證實或修改工程判斷。


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